第二组:Magnetic pickup (MPU) sensors are devices which can be used in conjunction with electronic control modules for monitoring of parameters such as speed, direction of rotation and a variety of alarm conditions. MPU sensors are available in various sizes and types. Following are some guidelines for their selection on industrial engines. MPUs are located near a flywheel, camshaft or other type of gear with rotation relative to engine speed. The passing of the gear teeth through the MPU tip (pole) generates a voltage and frequency. This frequency is converted to a speed reference by a control module. It should be noted here that most MPUs will develop similar signals. However, the magnitude and strength of the signal is dependent on the size of the sensor in relation to the gear teeth, the clearance between the pole piece and the gear teeth, and various other factors. As a general rule of thumb, the following standards should be met:①Dimension of tooth top surface should be equal to or more than the pole piece diameter.②Tooth height should be equal to, or more than the space between teeth.③The space between teeth should be approximately three times the pole piece diameter.④Air gap (clearance) between tooth and pole piece should be between 0.015 to 0.030. MPUsnormally have 3/8, 5/8 threads and 2, 3 and 4 lengths. Determining which size is appropriatedepends on the space available for installation, the availability of pre-drilled holes and consideration tothose rules mentioned above. In most cases, these will be the only factors affecting the selcetion of aMPU.MPUs can be used to ____.①sense speed ②supply alarm ③sense direction of rotation.A.①②B.②③C.①③D.①②③

第二组:Magnetic pickup (MPU) sensors are devices which can be used in conjunction with electronic control modules for monitoring of parameters such as speed, direction of rotation and a variety of alarm conditions. MPU sensors are available in various sizes and types. Following are some guidelines for their selection on industrial engines. MPUs are located near a flywheel, camshaft or other type of gear with rotation relative to engine speed. The passing of the gear teeth through the MPU tip (pole) generates a voltage and frequency. This frequency is converted to a speed reference by a control module. It should be noted here that most MPUs will develop similar signals. However, the magnitude and strength of the signal is dependent on the size of the sensor in relation to the gear teeth, the clearance between the pole piece and the gear teeth, and various other factors. As a general rule of thumb, the following standards should be met:

①Dimension of tooth top surface should be equal to or more than the pole piece diameter.

②Tooth height should be equal to, or more than the space between teeth.

③The space between teeth should be approximately three times the pole piece diameter.

④Air gap (clearance) between tooth and pole piece should be between 0.015" to 0.030". MPUs

normally have 3/8", 5/8" threads and 2", 3" and 4" lengths. Determining which size is appropriate

depends on the space available for installation, the availability of pre-drilled holes and consideration to

those rules mentioned above. In most cases, these will be the only factors affecting the selcetion of a


MPUs can be used to ____.①sense speed ②supply alarm ③sense direction of rotation.







Considerthefollowingconfiguration:/devices/diskP1&ensp Considerthefollowingconfiguration:/devices/diskP1isamemberofdiskgroupgrp1./devices/diskP2isamemberofdiskgroupgrp1./devices/diskP3isamemberofdiskgroupgrp1./devices/diskP4isacandidatedisk./devices/diskQ1isamemberofdiskgroupgrp2./devices/diskQ2isamemberofdiskgroupgrp2./devices/diskQ3isamemberofdiskgroupgrp2./devices/diskQ4isacandidatedisk.Whichcommandwilladdthedisk/devices/diskP4tothediskgroup,grp1?()

Simmechanics2模块组包含( )。 A.运动铰模块组(Joints)B.传感器模块组(Sensors)C.齿轮齿轮副模块组(GearsandCouplings)D.辅助工具模块组(Utilities)

刚体子模块组包括( )。 A.刚体(Body)B.传感器(Sensors)C.机架(Ground)D.机械环境(MachineEnviroment)



[A]conjunction [B]convenience [C]department [D]ornament

I will take up teaching this September.A: startB: get offC: captureD: pick up

第48题答案是__________A.hold onB.put awayC.look throughD.pick up

Pick Up 是指需要客房服务员简单整理的房间。