Examine the query and its output executed In an RDBMS Instance:Which three statements are true about the users (other than sys) in the output?() A. The C # # B_ADMIN user can perform all backup and recovery operations using RMAN only.B. The C # # C_ADMIN user can perform the data guard operation with Data Guard Broker.C. The C # # A_ADMIN user can perform wallet operations.D. The C # # D_ADMIN user can perform backup and recovery operations for Automatic Storage Management (ASM).E. The C # # B_ADMIN user can perform all backup and recovery operations using RMAN or SQL* Plus.

Examine the query and its output executed In an RDBMS Instance:Which three statements are true about the users (other than sys) in the output?()

A. The C # # B_ADMIN user can perform all backup and recovery operations using RMAN only.

B. The C # # C_ADMIN user can perform the data guard operation with Data Guard Broker.

C. The C # # A_ADMIN user can perform wallet operations.

D. The C # # D_ADMIN user can perform backup and recovery operations for Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

E. The C # # B_ADMIN user can perform all backup and recovery operations using RMAN or SQL* Plus.


下列中没有语法错误的pascal程序首部是( )。 Aprogram a1Bprogram a1(output)Cprogram(input,output)Dprogram a1(inputoutput)



[A] that [B] which [C] than [D] as


2、若要统计a.dat文件的信息并将结果追加到output.ls文件中,可以使用的命令是A.wc > a.dat > output.lsB.wc > a.dat >> output.lsC.a.dat > wc >> output.lsD.wc < a dat >> output.ls

定义一个模块时,若要声明一个8位的输出端OUT,则下列语句合适的是 。A.output [7:0]OUTB.output [8:0]OUT;C.output [8]OUT;D.output OUT[8];

7、以下代码片段编译运行的结果是:int Output=10; boolean b1 = false; if((b1==true) ((Output+=10)==20)){ System.out.println("We are equal "+Output); } else { System.out.println("Not equal! "+Output); }A.输出"Not equal! 10"B.编译错误C.输出"We are equal 10"


排查问题需要,想查看所有MySQL Server的SQL语句,可以如何操作?A.配置slow_query_log=1并设置log_query_time=0B.配置general_log=1C.配置log_output=1D.配置log_bin=1