Jan works in a bank.She like work very much.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Jan works in a bank.She like work very much.()



Which of the following words has gone through the semantic change of subjectification? A.cornB.gossipC.maidD.very

[A] rolls [B] piles [C] works [D] slips

It’s raining now. Stop ________ , pleaseA.workingB.workC.to workD.works

Jan ______ over there.A、isB、areC、amD、was

My uncle ( )in the IT Department. But now he ( ) on a plan for the marketing department.A. works, is workingB. work, is workingC. is working, works

Sally ( ) in an office in central London.A. is workB. workC. works


ASystempadministratorwishestocreateatemplatefiletomonitorperformance.HavingfoundatemplatefromJanuary,howcantheadministratorcreateaJulytemplatewithoutdestroyingtheoriginalJanuaryversion() A.vijan.template:%s/Jan/Jul/g:wjul.template:q!B.catjan.template seds:Jan:Jul:jan.templateC.vijan.template:1,$replaceJanJul[Esc]ZZD.vijan.template:wjul.template:1,$s/Jan/Jul/g:q!

U31网管安装完成后规模2的license应该放在哪个位置() A.\ums-server\works\uep\deployB.\ums-server\works\main\deployC.\ums-server\works\usf\deployD.\ums-server\works\sys\deploy

Swimming is an all-body workout。It______small muscle groups that often get ignored in other workouts。A.helpsB.keepsC.healsD.works