which one belongs to while-reading activities______. A、Reproducing the textB、Role playC、Discussion questionsD、Answering comprehension questions

which one belongs to while-reading activities______.

A、Reproducing the text

B、Role play

C、Discussion questions

D、Answering comprehension questions


有以下程序#include stdio.h#include string.hmain(){ char str[ ][20]={"One*World","One*Dream!"},*p=str[1];printf("%d,",strlen(p));printf("%s\n",p);}程序运行后的输出结果是A)9,One*WorldB)9,One*Dream !C)10,One*Dream !D)10,One*World

______to do now is just I am eager to know at first. But how can I get to know it?A. What, whatB. Will, whatC. Which, whichD. I will, which

Coal mining industry in Britain prorides()of the energy consumed in the country, A 、one-thindB、one-fourthC、one-fthD、two-thinds

Last night Li Gang kept doing the maths exercises ________ after ________. A.one…anotherB.one…the otherC.one…the othersD.some…others


Arecentlyorderedservercamestandardwithone3.0GHzprocessor.Itiscapableofhandlingfourtotalprocessors.Whichofthefollowingprocessorcombinationscanbeusedinthisserver?() A.One,two,threeorfourprocessorsB.One,two,orthreeprocessorsC.One,three,orfourprocessorsD.One,twoorfourprocessors

将小写字母n赋值给字符变量one_char,正确的操作是 ______。A.one_char='n'B.one_char="n"C.one_char=110D.one_char='N'

It's said that he's looking for a new job, one_________ he can get more free time.A.whenB.whereC.thatD.which

The beautiful mountain village__________ we spent our holiday last year is locatedin __________ is now part of Guangxi.A.which ; whereB.where; whatC.that ; whatD.when ; which

Coal mining industry in Britain provides( )of the energy consumed in the country. A.one-third B.one-fourth C.one-fifth D.two-thirds