Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of a system work togedler as described in the program design and system design speci6cations.A.tryingB.checklngC.testingD.coding

Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of a system work togedler as described in the program design and system design speci6cations.






The Estimate Activity Resource process is closely coordinated with the(73) process.A.Estimate CostsB.Sequence ActivitiesC.Plan CommunicationsD.Conduct Procurements

● The Estimate Activity Resource process is closely coordinated with the (73)process.(73)A. Estimate CostsB. Sequence ActivitiesC. Plan CommunicationsD. Conduct Procurements

Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.(73)A.tryingB.checkingC.testing.D.coding

Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of asystem work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.A.tryingB.checkingC.testingD.coding

● Integration(73)is the process of verifying that the components of a system work together as described in the program design and system design specifications.(73)A. trying B. checking C. testing D. coding


The Estimate Activity Resource process is closely coordinated with the(73) process.A.Estimate CostsB.Sequence ActivitiesC.Plan CommunicationsD.Conduct Procurements

Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of (71) to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,(72) reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from (73) All system analysis approaches require some form. of (74) which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community.(75) is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities.A.object modelsB.prototypesC.use casesD.components

The Estimate Activity Resource process is closely coordinated with the (73)process.(73)A. Estimate CostsB. Sequence ActivitiesC. Plan CommunicationsD. Conduct Procurements