You are the DBA for an academic database. You need to create a role that allows a group of users to modify existing rows in the STUDENT_GRADES table. Which set of statements accomplishes this? () A. CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT MODIFY ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3B. CREATE NEW ROLE registrar; GRANT ALL ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3C. CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT UPDATE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT ROLE to user1, user2, user3D. CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT UPDATE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3;E. CREATE registrar; GRANT CHANGE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar;

You are the DBA for an academic database. You need to create a role that allows a group of users to modify existing rows in the STUDENT_GRADES table. Which set of statements accomplishes this? ()

A. CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT MODIFY ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3

B. CREATE NEW ROLE registrar; GRANT ALL ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3

C. CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT UPDATE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT ROLE to user1, user2, user3

D. CREATE ROLL registrar; GRANT UPDATE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar to user 1, user2, user3;

E. CREATE registrar; GRANT CHANGE ON student_grant TO registrar; GRANT registrar;


Your little girl is becoming very rude. You ________ scold her. A.mayB.canC.ought toD.need

May I take this book out of the reading room? No,you . You read it in here. ( )A. mightn’tB. won’tC. need’tD. mustn’t

Yourapplicationrequiresthatyouprogrammaticallymanipulateanonqueryrecordgroup.Whichthreebuilt-inscanyouuse?() A.CREATE_GROUPB.ADD_GROUP_NOWC.POPULATE_GROUPD.ADD_GROUP_COLUMNE.CREATE_GROUP_FROM_QUERY

______A.SET 价格='价格*1.03'B.Modify 价格='价格*1.03'C.SET 价格=价格*1.03D.Modify 价格=价格+1.03A.B.C.D.

You‘re the systems administrator at Testing, and you create the following access control lists.You then enter the command ip access-group 101 in to apply access control list 101 to router TK1s e0 interface.Which of the following Telnet sessions will be blocked as a result of your access lists?()A. Telnet sessions from host A to host Telnet sessions from host A to host Telnet sessions from host B to host Telnet sessions from host B to host Telnet sessions from host C to host Telnet sessions from host F to host

5、下列哪个选项不符合RESTful设计?A.GET /users/1234B.GET /deleteUser/1234C.GET /users?role=adminD.GET /users?pageSize=25pageStartIndex=50

下列哪个选项不符合RESTful设计?A.GET /users/1234B.GET /deleteUser/1234C.GET /users?role=adminD.GET /users?pageSize=25pageStartIndex=50

以下对于列表的相关操作中哪些项有正确的输出结果?A.>>> language = list('PHP'); >>> language[1:] = 'ython'; >>> print(language) ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']#B.>>> print(list('Life is short, you need Python.').count('is')) 1#C.>>> x = [2, 3, 0, 4, 1] >>> x.sort() >>> print(x) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]#D.>>> words = ['Life', 'is', 'short', 'you', 'need', 'Python'] >>> words.index('you') 4

你最好控制一下上网聊天的时间。(汉译英)A.You'd better set a limit for your online chat time.B.You'd better set a limit on your online chat time.C.You'd better set a limit on your online chatting time.D.You'd better set a limit for your online chatting time.

以下对于列表的相关操作中哪些项有正确的输出结果?A.>>> language = list('PHP'); >>> language[1:] = 'ython'; >>> print language ['P', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']#B.>>> print list('Life is short, you need Python.').count('is') 1#C.>>> x = [2, 3, 0, 4, 1] >>> x.sort() >>> print x [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]#D.>>> words = ['Life', 'is', 'short', 'you', 'need', 'Python'] >>> words.index('you') 4