A.meanB.varianceC.percentileD.standard deviationE.coefficient of variation表示正态分布的资料中数据的离散程度最常用的指标为

D.standard deviation
E.coefficient of variation





在标准正态分布条件下,有()。注:(mean(x)、Me、Mo分别代表x算术平均数,中位数与众数) A.mean(x)=Me=MoB.mean(x)<Me<MoC.mean(x)MoMeD.mean(x)

接入信道中,导频信道的开环输出功率为mean pilot channel output power,数据信道的开环输出功率为meandatachanneloutputpower,则接入信导前缀中的导频信道输出功率为() A.mean pilot channel output power-mean data channel output powerB.mean pilot channel output power+mean data channel output powerC.mean pilot channel output power-0.5*mean data channel output powerD.mean pilot channel output power+0.5*mean data channel output power

The height of a light is measured from which reference plane?A.Mean low waterB.Mean high waterC.Average water levelD.Geographical sea level

The soundings on the chart are based on the depth of water available at ______.A.mean low waterB.mean lower low waterC.mean high waterD.mean high water springs

The datum from which the predicted heights of tides are reckoned in the tide tables is ______.A.mean low waterB.the same as that used for the charts of the localityC.the highest possible levelD.given in table three of the tide tables

The reference datum used in determining the heights of land features on most charts is ______.A.mean sea levelB.mean high waterC.mean low waterD.half-tide level

Concerning the use of a stabilogauge,what of the following cannot be found ________.A.Mean draftB.TrimC.DisplacementD.Deadweight