The annual population growth rate of the 1990s was ()A、1%B、0.9%C、over 1%D、under 1%

The annual population growth rate of the 1990s was ()

  • A、1%
  • B、0.9%
  • C、over 1%
  • D、under 1%


Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is net present value of an annual income flow of $1600 at 14% over the next three years?A . ¥3,713.60B . ¥0.68C . ¥1,080.00D . ¥476.19E . ¥2.32

完形填空Many of the world’s pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people into cities.Satisfying the 21 of the people leads to further polluting by industry.If the rapid increase in human population 22 at the present rate (比率), there may be much greater harm.Some scientists speak of the 23 in number of people as “Population Pollution”.About 2000 years ago, the world 24 was probably about 250 million.It reached a billion in 1850.By 1930 the population was two billion.It is 25 three and a half billion.It is expected to double by the year 2000.If the population continues to grow at the same 26 , there would be 25 billion people in the world a hundred years from now.Man has been using the earth’s 27 more and more rapidly over the years.Some of them are almost gone.Now many people believe that man’s greatest 28 is how to control the growth of this population.The materials in the world will not support the human population in time to come if the present rate of increase continues.29 there is over crowding in the cities and hunger in some countries.Can man’s rate of increase continue?Many people believe that human survival (幸存者) in the future 30 on the answer to the question.21.A.needsB.suppliesC.serviceD.supports22.A.stopsB.continuesC.slows downD.adds the the futureD.then26.A.placeB.timeC.rateD.result27.A coalB.oilC.minesD.resources28.A.problemB.powerC.planD.idea29.A.AlreadyB.YetC.StillD.Often30.A.feedsB.livesC.keepsD.depends

The world’s population continues to grow. There now are about 4 billion of us on earth. That could reach 6 billion by the end of the century and 11 billion in a further 75 years. Experts have long been concerned about such a growth. Where will we find the food, water, jobs, houses, school and health care for all these people?A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the world’s birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations.Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this. More men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using birth control devices and methods to prevent or delay pregnancy. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from home instead of having children. And more governments, especially in developing nations, now support family planning programs to reduce population grow.China is one of the nations that have made great progress in reducing its population growth. China has already cut its rate of population growth by about half since 1970.Each Chinese family is now urged to have no more than one child. And the hope is to reach a zero population growth with the total number of births equaling the total number of deaths by the year 2000.Several nations in Europe already have fewer births than deaths. Experts said that these nations could face a serious shortage of workers in the future. And the persons who are working could face much higher taxes to help support the growing number of retired people.1. The world’s population could reach ____________.A. 6 billion in 75 yearsB. 11 billion in 2075C. 11 billion by the end of this centuryD. 600 million in 15 years2. Which of the following is true?A. The world’s birth rate is higher than ten years ago.B. There has been a slower population growth in the past ten years.C. Families are as large as before.D. Birth control has been well practiced in all nations.3. By the year 2000, the number of births and the number of deaths in China will _______.A. be greatly differentB. drop a great dealC. be equalD. become much larger4. According to the essay, China’s population control ________.A. is not quite successfulB. should be considered a big successC. is far from being successfulD. is a complete failure5. It may happen in the future that the people who are working in Europe will have to pay much higher taxes because___________.A. more and more children will be bornB. the number of retired people will become ever largerC. fewer and fewer children will be bornD. they will be making a lot of money

The statements concerning nominal and real interest rate are true except that ______.A.the nominal interest rate is the growth rate of your moneyB.the real interest rate is the growth rate of your purchasing powerC.the nominal rate is the real interest rate deducted by the rate of inflationD.all of the above statements

An unsatified guest will cost you as much as( ) times that guest's annual purchases in terms of lost patronage over five years?A. 100B. 500C. 1,000D. 5,000

In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest _____ rate and the highest _____ rate. A.inflation, growthB.growth, inflationC.growth, divorceD.growth, birth

According to the passage, what helps to explain why the population problem has come on "all of a sudden"?A) The penny which doubles itself every day for one month.B) The time span of at least two million years in human history.C) An illustration of the exponential growth rate given by the author.D) The large amount of money you would luckily make after the fourth week.

It took ______ for the world to increase its population from 1 billion to 4 billion.A) 100 yearsB) 145 yearsC) 1975 yearsD) Over two million years

Which of the following statements is NOT true?A) World population is increasing at a rate of 150 per minute.B) Lower death rates also contribute to world population growth.C) The population of Columbia has been doubling every year for 21 years.D) The United States is usually doubling its population about every 87 years.

Telepresence and video conferencing have been an increasingly important component of the overall collaboration marker, which indicator is the best measure of the continued importance of these technologies going forward?()A.the annual growth rate of the video-conferencing market is 23 percentB.generationY ,raised on video, comprises 17 percent of the world populationC.thecisco long-term growth-rate target is 12 percent to 17 percentD.the U.S internet traffic annual growth rate is more than 40 percent

In the author's opinion, __.A. developing countries should be responsible for environmental problemsB. overpopulation in the world is created by the developed countriesC. rich countries exercise worse influence on environment than poor countriesD. all countries should bring the population growth under control

How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart? ______.A.Gray lines on the uppermost inset chartB.Red lines on the main body of the chartC.In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variationD.Annual rate of change is not shown

In the 20th century the planet's population'doubled twice.It will not double even once in the 1 century,because birth rates in much of the world have 2 steeply.But the number of people over 65 is set to 3 within just 25 years.This shift in the structure of the population is not as momentous as the 4 that came before.But it is more than enough to reshape the world economy.5 the UN's population 6,the standard source for demographic estimates,there are around 600m people aged 65 0r older 7 today.That is in itself remarkable;the author Fred Pearce claims it is 8 that half of all the humans who have ever been over 65 are alive today.But 9 a share of the total population,at 8%,it is not that 10 to what it was a few decades ago.By 2035,11,more than l.1 billion people-13%of the population-will be above the age of 65.This is a 12 result of the dropping birth rates that are slowing overall population growth;they mean there are 13 fewer younS people around.The"old-age dependency ratio"-the ratio of old people to those of working age-will 14 even faster.In 2010 the world had 16 people aged 65 and over for every 100 aduILs between the ages of 25 and 64,15 the same raLio it had in 1980.By 2035 the UN 16 that number to have risen to 26.In rich countries it will be much higher.Japan will have 69 0ld people for every 100 0f working age by 2035,Germany 66.17 America,which has a relaLively high 18 rate,will see its old-age dependency rate rise by more than 70%,t0 44.Developing counLries,19 today's ratio is much lower,will not see absolute levels rise that high;20 the proportional growth will be higher.Over the same time period the old-age dependency rate in China will more than double from 15 t0 36.Latin America wiU see a shift from 14 to 27.19选?A.whichB.thereC.whereD.that

In the 20th century the planet's population'doubled twice.It will not double even once in the 1 century,because birth rates in much of the world have 2 steeply.But the number of people over 65 is set to 3 within just 25 years.This shift in the structure of the population is not as momentous as the 4 that came before.But it is more than enough to reshape the world economy.5 the UN's population 6,the standard source for demographic estimates,there are around 600m people aged 65 0r older 7 today.That is in itself remarkable;the author Fred Pearce claims it is 8 that half of all the humans who have ever been over 65 are alive today.But 9 a share of the total population,at 8%,it is not that 10 to what it was a few decades ago.By 2035,11,more than l.1 billion people-13%of the population-will be above the age of 65.This is a 12 result of the dropping birth rates that are slowing overall population growth;they mean there are 13 fewer younS people around.The"old-age dependency ratio"-the ratio of old people to those of working age-will 14 even faster.In 2010 the world had 16 people aged 65 and over for every 100 aduILs between the ages of 25 and 64,15 the same raLio it had in 1980.By 2035 the UN 16 that number to have risen to 26.In rich countries it will be much higher.Japan will have 69 0ld people for every 100 0f working age by 2035,Germany 66.17 America,which has a relaLively high 18 rate,will see its old-age dependency rate rise by more than 70%,t0 44.Developing counLries,19 today's ratio is much lower,will not see absolute levels rise that high;20 the proportional growth will be higher.Over the same time period the old-age dependency rate in China will more than double from 15 t0 36.Latin America wiU see a shift from 14 to 27.15选?A.actuallyB.certainlyC.almostD.already

The annual population growth rate of the 1990s was ()A1%B0.9%Cover 1%Dunder 1%

A major source of population growth is()AimmigrationBbaby boomCrising birth rateDlarger number of young people

自然的增长率(natural growth rate)

城市人口机械增长率mechanical growth rate of population

Telepresence and video conferencing have been an increasingly important component of the overall collaboration marker, which indicator is the best measure of the continued importance of these technologies going forward?()A、generation Y ,raised on video, comprises 17 percent of the world populationB、the annual growth rate of the video-conferencing market is 23 percentC、the U.S internet traffic annual growth rate is more than 40 percentD、thecisco long-term growth-rate target is 12 percent to 17 percent

A customer has several small AIX applications that are expected to grow over the next several years.  The biggest challenge facing the customer is determining the growth rate of the applications and the I/T requirements needed to support the growth.  They are also concerned about the under-utilization of their IT resources.  What should the pSeries technical specialist recommend to address this challenge?()A、Install a p615 per application.B、Install a p650 with AIX 5.2 and dynamic LPAR and CUoD.C、Install the appropriate solution once the requirements are understood.D、Install a POWER5 system with AIX 5.3, Advanced POWER Virtualization, and CoD.

单选题Which of the following is NOT true about the early 1990s?AEconomic growth slowed down in Europe and Japan.BThere was less investment in industrialized countries.CEmerging markets received little surplus funds from developed economies.DThe rate of return on investments turned out to be low.

名词解释题城市人口机械增长率mechanical growth rate of population

单选题The annual population growth rate of the 1990s was ()A1%B0.9%Cover 1%Dunder 1%

单选题Which of the following is true of DHL according to the passage?AIt cooperates with TNT Skypack.BIt is showing signs of exhaustion.CIt might have a leading position in the international courier business.DIt has an annual growth rate of 5 %.

问答题Practice 13  (1) Actually, the world’s birth rate is falling. But so is death rate, as medical advances have made it possible for man to live longer than before. Such advances have also reduced baby death rate. (2) Unless population growth is reduced, the world population may reach l2 billion in a century. Is the earth capable of providing a good life for so large a population?

单选题A customer has several small AIX applications that are expected to grow over the next several years.  The biggest challenge facing the customer is determining the growth rate of the applications and the I/T requirements needed to support the growth.  They are also concerned about the under-utilization of their IT resources.  What should the pSeries technical specialist recommend to address this challenge?()AInstall a p615 per application.BInstall a p650 with AIX 5.2 and dynamic LPAR and CUoD.CInstall the appropriate solution once the requirements are understood.DInstall a POWER5 system with AIX 5.3, Advanced POWER Virtualization, and CoD.

问答题Do at least 20 percent of the people in country X who are over the age of 25 possess a college diploma?  (1) In country X, among the population over the age of 25, 26 percent of the male population and 16 percent of the female population possess college diplomas.  (2) In country X, women account for 55 percent of the total population.