Put out the fire right now and ()around hold No2.A、coolB、heatC、hotD、warm

Put out the fire right now and ()around hold No2.

  • A、cool
  • B、heat
  • C、hot
  • D、warm


What were you doing when the fire______last night? A.broke outB.put outC.set outD.found out

At last firemen have( )a big forest fire in California. A. put offB. put onC. put outD. put with

Clerk: Please fill out the form.Guest: All right. , please?Clerk: It's August, the thirteenth.A. What day is it todayB. What's the numberC. What's the date todayD. What's the time now

The forest fire caused by the volcano is difficult to be______.A. put offB. put onC. put outD. put up

The firemen managed to _______ the fire in time. A.preventB.put offC.put outD.light

-Where()the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.-I()it right here, but now it’s gone. A、did you put; have putB、have you put; putC、had you put; have putD、were you putting; have put

All _____ is sheer nonsense. We must find a way out right now.A. what has been saidB. the thingsC. that has been saidD. of has been said

Part IV Cloze (20 points) Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passages. And there are five choices marked A), B), C), D) and E). Match each blank with the right choice. Passage One Fire can help people in many ways. Fire can heat water, (41) () your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows (42) () people began to use fire. One story from Australia tells about a man a very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down. Today people know how to (43) () a fire with matches. Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. Fire kills people every year. So you must be careful about matches. You should also learn to (44) () fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is oxygen in the air. Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an emergency, with your coat or a blanket. This keeps the air (45) () a fire and kills it. Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it might hurt you.(1). A.make B.warm C.how D.put out E.from(2). A.make B.warm C.how D.put out E.from(3). A.make B.warm C.how D.put out E.from(4). A.make B.warm C.how D.put out E.from(5). A.make B.warm C.how D.put out E.from

If a firefighting situation calls for low-velocity fog you would ______.A.order the engine room to reduce pressure on the fire pumpB.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way forwardC.attach a low-velocity fog applicator with the nozzle shut downD.put the lever on an all-purpose fire nozzle all the way back

HARD RIGHT RUDDER means ______.A.put the rudder over to the right all the wayB.jam the rudder against the stopsC.meet a swing to the right, then return to amidshipsD.put the rudder over quickly to 15°right rudder

Hard right rudder means______.A.jam the rudder against the stopsB.meet a swing to the right,then return to amidshipsC.put the rudder over to the right all the wayD.put the rudder over quickly to 15 degrees right rudder

IBM now has incentive to______or fire employees before that Dec.15 date.A.lay downB.lay offC.lay asideD.lay out

Water is used to put out ()(普通火).A、common fireB、electric fireC、oil fireD、fire

灭火()A、put out fireB、put on fireC、take on fireD、take off fire

关闭防火门()A、open fire doorsB、close fire doorsC、put on fire doorsD、put off fire doors

立即灭火并将2号货舱附近冷却。()A、Put out the fire right now and cool hold No.2.B、Put off the fire right now and cool around No.2.C、Put on the fire right now and cool hold No.2.D、Put out the fire right away and cool around hold No.2.

An electrical fire should be put out by dry powder. ()A、电火应该使用干粉扑灭。B、木火应该用干粉扑灭。C、油火应该用干粉扑灭。D、普通火应该用干粉扑灭。

单选题An electrical fire should be put out by dry powder. ()A电火应该使用干粉扑灭。B木火应该用干粉扑灭。C油火应该用干粉扑灭。D普通火应该用干粉扑灭。

单选题If there’s a fire aboard your vessel, you should first().Anotify the competent authoritiesBsound the alarmChave passengers put on life preserversDcut off air supply to the fire

单选题挽牢首、尾缆,放登艇梯。()AMake fast the fore and aft ropes and lay out the embarkation ladder.BEach cargo should be securely lashed.CWe’ll start loading right now.DMake fast the heaving rope, lay out the embarkation ladder.

单选题Water is used to put out ().Aoil fireBelectrical fireCcommon fireDspecial fire

单选题Before attempting to put out a class “C” fire involving an electric-driven centrifugal pump, you should FIRST ().Ainsulate your shoesBground the fire hoseCsecure its power supplyDstart the fire pump

单选题Put out the fire right now and ()around hold No2.AcoolBheatChotDwarm

单选题What did the boy do about the fire?AHe was so afraid that he ran away.BHe managed to put it out.CHe was scared and didn’t know what to do.

单选题There is a fire in the crew’s quarters of your vessel. You should().Aventilate the quarters as much as possibleBprepare to abandon shipCclose all ventilation to the quarters if possibleDattempt to put the fire out yourself before sounding the alarm

单选题What’s the attitude of many old senior officers for a minor fire?()AThey would like to call out all hands out for itBThey would rather handle themselves, then call out all handsCThey prefer to put it out by themselvesDThey think it is difficulty to call out all hands for a minor fire

单选题______ after the explosion happened in a factory in Dehui, Jilin on June 3rd, a lot of fire- men rushed to put out the fire.ASadlyBSoftlyCShortlyDSuddenly

单选题立即灭火并将2号货舱附近冷却。()APut out the fire right now and cool hold No.2.BPut off the fire right now and cool around No.2.CPut on the fire right now and cool hold No.2.DPut out the fire right away and cool around hold No.2.