---()! ---Both engines stopped! A、Stop engineB、Stop both enginesC、Stop portD、Stop them

---()! ---Both engines stopped!

  • A、Stop engine
  • B、Stop both engines
  • C、Stop port
  • D、Stop them


8. You must be very tired ,why not ________a rest?A. to stop to haveB. to stop havingC. stop to haveD. stop having

After such a long walk, they were all very tired, but none of them _______. A.stopped having a restB.stop to have a restC.stop having a restD.stopped to have a rest

You shouldn’t ______ to others while working.A、stop talkingB、stop to talkC、stop talkD、stop over talk

It's high time you ______. A.stop smokingB.stopped smokingC.stop to smokeD.will stop to smoke

--- _________________! ---Engine Stopped!A.Stop engineB.Stop portC.Stop starboardD.All port

---_________________! ---Both engines stopped!A.Stop engineB.Stop both enginesC.Stop portD.Stop them

尾推停车。A.Stern thrust stop.B.Stern stop.C.Stern stop.D.Bow thrust stop.

For most diesel propulsion and generator engines, the over-speed trip device will stop the engine byA.moving the governor control to stopB.shutting off the lubricating oil supplyC.tripping the governor emergency stop leverD.shutting off the fuel supply

“Movement of engine no longer required.” means “______”.A.Stop EngineB.No Engine RevolutionsC.Stand-by EngineD.Finished With Engine

When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like this ______.A.Stop engineB.Nothing to portC.Finish enginesD.Finished with engines

Your vessel is being assisted through an ice field in Thunder Bay by the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Alexander Henry.The starboard lookout reports that the icebreaker has run up the code flag N(November).What action should you take ________.A.Reduce speedB.Stop your enginesC.Reverse your enginesD.Stop your vessel instantly

Both leaders of two sides agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means.A:solve B:finishC:unite D:stop

They ( ) until the bell rang.A. stopped to shout B. stopped shoutingC. didn’t stop shouting D. didn’t stop to shout

They ( ) until the bell rangA stopper on shout B stoppeD shoutingC didn’t stop shouting D didn’t stop shout

They were all very tired, but()of them would stop to take a rest.AanyBsomeCnoneDneither

Which of the following is the MOST likely default configuration for a serial port?()A、8 Data bits, Odd Parity, 1 stop bitB、8 Data bits, Even Parity, 2 stop bitsC、8 Data bits, No Parity, 1.5 Stop bitsD、8 Data bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit

尾推停车。()A、Stern thrust stop.B、Stern stop.C、Bow thrust stop.

--- ()! ---Engine Stopped!A、Stop engineB、Stop portC、Stop starboardD、All port

首推停车。()A、Stern thrust stop.B、Stern stop.C、Port ten.D、Bow thrust stop.


Which one of the aaa accounting commands can be used to enable logging of both the start and stoprecords for user terminal sessions on the router?()A、aaa accounting connection start-stop tacacs+B、aaa accounting exec start-stop tacacs+C、aaa accounting system start-stop tacacs+D、aaa accounting network start-stop tacacs+

单选题当一个Applet被加载,后续对Applet生命周期方法的调用中,可能存在的次序是(  )。Astart(),stop(),destroy()Binit(),start(),stop(),start(),stop(),destroy()Cstart(),init(),stop(),destroy()Dinit(),start(),destroy()

单选题A vessel shall slacken her speed,stop,or reverse her engines,if necessary,to().Aavoid collisionBallow more time to assess the situationCbe stopped in an appropriate distanceDAll of the above

单选题For most diesel propulsion and generator engines, the over-speed trip device will stop the engine by ()Amoving the governor control to stopBshutting off the lubricating oil supplyCtripping the governor emergency stop leverDshutting off the fuel supply

单选题(), the following possible causes should be investigated.AShould the engine stop without apparent reasonBThe engine should stop without apparent reasonCThe engine stops without apparent reasonDThe engine is stopped without apparent reason

单选题---()! ---Both engines stopped!AStop engineBStop both enginesCStop portDStop them

单选题尾推停车。()AStern thrust stop.BStern stop.CBow thrust stop.