3d smax的标准灯光共有:Target Sport(目标聚光灯)、()()free direct(自由平行灯光)、()和sky light(天空光灯)等共6种灯光。A、free spot,target diredt,omniB、free spot,target direct,omnaC、free spot,target spot,omniD、free spot,target direct camera

3d smax的标准灯光共有:Target Sport(目标聚光灯)、()()free direct(自由平行灯光)、()和sky light(天空光灯)等共6种灯光。

  • A、free spot,target diredt,omni
  • B、free spot,target direct,omna
  • C、free spot,target spot,omni
  • D、free spot,target direct camera


What are the procedures for teaching free writing?() A.brainstormingB.choosing the target areaC.focusing on the toolsD.involving students in activitiesE.choosing the correct means of correctionF.marking students’ writing

I plan to use the media mix to reach our ().A、 target marketB、 free marketC、 stock market

AliExpress: Thailand Kiss skincare collagen whitening and moisturizing anti-wrinkle spot cream () for free shipping(泰国KISS胶原蛋白美白保湿抗皱面霜20毫升包快递)。

下列选项中哪个灯光不能投射深度贴图阴影?()A、Point LightB、Spot LightC、Area LightD、Volume LightE、Ambient Light

如果希望一个Spot光源的照射边缘柔和些,那么需要()A、给Spot光源增加一个Blur特效B、增大Spot光源的Cone angle值C、增大Spot光源的Intensity值D、增大Spot光源的Cone Feather值

在灯光雾的作用下()灯是常用来模仿舞台灯、车头灯或者手电筒等发出的光柱效果。A、Spot LightB、Area LightC、Ponit LightD、Volume LightE、Point Light

3ds max 6的标准灯光共有:Target Spot(目标聚光灯)、()、()、free direct(自由平行灯光)、()和Sky light(天空光灯)等共6种灯光。A、free spot,target direct,omniB、free spot,target direct,omnaC、free spot,target direct,omnaD、free spot,targe tdirect,omni spot

灯光雾是哪一种灯光所拥有的属性?()A、Spot LightB、Direction LightC、Ponit LightD、Ambient LightE、Volume Light

以下属于Maya提供的灯光类型的是()。A、Ambient Light(环境光源)B、Volume Light(体积光源)C、Spot Light(聚光灯光源D、以上全部


以下哪种灯光类型常用来摸拟日光效果()A、Target DirectB、OmniC、Target spotD、Free spot

在对鸟瞰图进行照明时,哪种灯光类型可以设置平行的阴影()A、Target SpotB、Target DirectC、Free SpotD、Free Direct

在下列灯光类型中,哪种灯光类型更容易模拟点光源?()A、目标平行光(Target Directional Light)B、目标聚光灯(Target Spotlight)C、泛光灯(Omni Light)


以下哪种灯光类型不能调节高光反射(Specular)项?()A、目标平行光(Target Directional Light)B、目标聚光灯(Target Spotlight)C、泛光灯(Omni Light)D、天光(Skylight)

Target Spot(目标聚光灯)和Omni(泛光灯)是()灯光类型中常用的两种灯光。

我在现场组织救火。()A、I’m on the spot organize firefighting.B、I’m on the spot organizing firefighting.C、I’m at the spot organizing firefighting.D、I’m at the spot organize firefighting.

In your Database, the TBS PERCENT USED parameter is set to 60 and the TBS PERCENT FREE parameter is set to 20. Which two storage-tiering actions might be automated when using information Lifecycle Management (ILM) to automate data movement?()A、The movement of all segments to a target tablespace with a higher degree of compression, on a different storage tier, when the source tablespace exceeds TBS PERCENT USEDB、Setting the target tablespace to read-onlyC、The movement of some segments to a target tablespace with a higher degree of compression, on a different storage tier, when the source tablespace exceeds TBS PERCENT USEDD、Setting the target tablespace offlineE、The movement of some blocks to a target tablespace with a lower degree of compression, on a different storage tier, when the source tablespace exceeds TBS PERCENT USED

下列哪一种灯光类型更适合于模拟阳光()。A、Target SpotB、Free SpotC、OmniD、Target Direct

填空题Target Spot(目标聚光灯)和Omni(泛光灯)是()灯光类型中常用的两种灯光。

单选题3ds max 6的标准灯光共有:Target Spot(目标聚光灯)、()、()、free direct(自由平行灯光)、()和Sky light(天空光灯)等共6种灯光。Afree spot,target direct,omniBfree spot,target direct,omnaCfree spot,target direct,omnaDfree spot,targe tdirect,omni spot

单选题Free communication effect is in direct proportion to().Alength and width of spaceBlength of space onlyCwidth of space onlyDneither length nor width

单选题以下哪种灯光类型常用来摸拟日光效果()ATarget DirectBOmniCTarget spotDFree spot


单选题如果希望一个Spot光源的照射边缘柔和些,那么需要()A给Spot光源增加一个Blur特效B增大Spot光源的Cone angle值C增大Spot光源的Intensity值D增大Spot光源的Cone Feather值

单选题在下列灯光类型中,哪种灯光类型更容易模拟点光源?()A目标平行光(Target Directional Light)B目标聚光灯(Target Spotlight)C泛光灯(Omni Light)

单选题以下哪种灯光类型不能调节高光反射(Specular)项?()A目标平行光(Target Directional Light)B目标聚光灯(Target Spotlight)C泛光灯(Omni Light)D天光(Skylight)