

  • A、方头平跟
  • B、方头尖跟
  • C、尖头平跟
  • D、尖头高跟



A major party nominee has the ______advantage of support from the party faithful.A. criticB. criticiseC. criticalD. criticism

Do you know ()? A.when does the meeting startB.why the party startsC.what time the party startsD.if the party endts

I'd like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening.().A. Thank you for your invitation.B. I don't want to join your party.C. I did not go to the party that night.

In a civil case, one party may file an action; the other party may or may not()the claim.A.admitB.confessC.agree

Molly: Charles, would you like to go to a party this Saturday?Charles: ___________.What kind of party?Molly: It ’s a birthday party.A: Looks niceB: Feels excellentC: Seems all rightD: Sounds good

The onus of proof is upon ______the party claiming in general average to show that the loss or expense claimed is properly allowable as general average.A.the party from which general average is claimedB.the party claiming in general averageC.the carrierD.the shipper

Usually, the consignor is the same party as the ( ).A. buyer B. sellerC. notify party D. beneficiary

There are three main parties represented in the House of Representatives of Australia,which one is the oldest party?( ) A.The Australian Labor Party B.The Nationals C.The Liberal Party of Australia D.Australian Greens party










The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms()and its party leader becomes()



填空题The party which wins the majority seats in parliament forms()and its party leader becomes()

单选题Why are so many party members elected to Parliament in each Election in Britain?ABecause party members usually enjoy better reputation.BBecause party members have more experience in forming a government.CBecause party members have the backing of nationwide organizations.DBecause people trust party members to a greater degree.


单选题I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as he's promised. ()AThe party won‘t start until 8:00.BThank you for having the party for me.CDon‘t worry. He always keeps his word.DThe party must cost a lot.

单选题救火队员之间用灯光保持视觉联系。()AFire party members maintain contact with lamps.BFire party members maintain visual contact use lamps.CFire party members maintain visual contact with lamps.DFire party members maintain visual contact by lamps.
