The shop _____ at 6 am. every day. A opensB openedC is openedD is opening

The shop _____ at 6 am. every day.

A opens

B opened

C is opened

D is opening


They ( )have a share. A.eachB.every

名为host1和host2的两个台式机是域的成员这个台式机已经为使用DNS服务器做了配置,如下图所示,工作在host1上的用户打开他的Web浏览器并键入http//host2请问与解析请求一起发送的名称host2的域名后缀将使用下列哪一种() A.仅和,和xyz.comD.仅和

March the 8th is Womens' Day.()

在处方书写中,"每晨"可用英文缩写为 A、qd.B、bid.C、ac.D、qm.E、am.

By default, how often does a router running IGRP send its complete routing table to its neighbors?() A. Every 5 minutesB. Every 90 secondsC. Every 60 secondsD. Every 30 seconds

WhataretworulesforcompactingIPv6addresses?() A.Themaximumnumberoftimesadoublecoloncanreplacea16-bitsegmentthatconsistsofallzeroesistwoB.Theleadingzeroesinany16-bitsegmentdonothavetobewritten.C.Every16-bitsegmentthatconsistsofallzeroescanberepresentedwithasinglecolonD.Thetrailingzeroesinany16-bitsegmentdonothavetobewritten.E.Anysingle,continuousstringofoneormore16-bitsegmentsthatconsistsofallzeroescanberepresentedwithadoublecolonF.Twozeroesinthemiddleofany16-bitsegmentdonothavetobewritten

Each life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced ______.A.every 6 months after initial installationB.every 12 months after initial installationC.every 24 months after initial installationD.on or before the expiration date of the power source

_______employee of Hotel Computers received a 6 percent bonus last year.A.Most B.Whenever C.Always D.Every

