We note that you wish us to insure shipment to you ()10% invoice value.A、withinB、onC、withD、by

We note that you wish us to insure shipment to you ()10% invoice value.






We( )some brochures( )to illustrate the products we manufactured . A.enclose ,to youB.enclose you,C.enclose,D.enclose, you

You'd better stop(). We're listening to the news. A、to talkB、talkingC、talk

your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence and make your nervousness work ______ you. A. towardsB.onC. againstD. for

—We’re going on a visit to Japan next week. —________________.A.Have a good journeyB.Good byeC.Wish you happyD.You’re right.

Merry Christmas, George! Here is a card for ________, with ________ best withes. A.you…yourB.you…ourC.us…ourD.us…your

______school is much larger than ______.A.Our;yourB.Our;yoursC.Ours;yoursD.We;you

( ) – Is Miss White __________ English teacher, Maria?– No, she teaches __________ geography.A.your;myB.you;mineC.you;usD.your;us

英文科技论文写作中应该尽量少用或不用I, we, our, 和you等第一、第二人称代词。

你最好控制一下上网聊天的时间。(汉译英)A.You'd better set a limit for your online chat time.B.You'd better set a limit on your online chat time.C.You'd better set a limit on your online chatting time.D.You'd better set a limit for your online chatting time.