– I made it. _______ A、 I’m glad to hear that.B、 I’m with you.C、 I knew.D、 You should do it earlier.

– I made it. _______

A、 I’m glad to hear that.

B、 I’m with you.

C、 I knew.

D、 You should do it earlier.


45. A. killed B. hurt C. saved D. made

She _ the doctor a list of the medical items she needed. A.made … write outB.makes … writes outC.made … wroteD.had made … written


41_______A. knewB. sawC. showedD. made

A decision must be ______immediately _______stop the factory ______waste water without being treated.A. made, to, pouringB. made,不填, to pourC. done,不填, pouringD. had, to, to pour

Most of the environmental problems are man-made.()

----I’ve passed the driving test! ----I’m glad to hear that you ____ it at last! A.didB. gotC. passedD. made

I ()supper when I()someone knocking at the door.A、made . . . HeardB、made . . .was heardC、was making . . . was hearingD、was making . . . heard

He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.A:bought B:tookC:showed D:made

The issue has led to heated discussion among the public.A:began B:runC:given rise to D:made