17_______.A. goneB. goingC. goesD. went


A. gone

B. going

C. goes

D. went


When I came back, I found my bicycle wasA. missedB. losingC. robbedD. gone

Last Sunday I () to Mr Smith's birthday party, and some other friends () there, too. A、went, wasB、went, wereC、go, are

The man denied_____ into the neighbor's garden and ______his cow. A.going„„stealingB.going„stoleC.went„stealingD.went„stole


The word “went” contains two morphemes.()

She ________ to school by school bus at eight in the morning. A. goB. goesC. wentD. gone

She______ to the supermarket twice a week.A、goesB、goC、wentD、gone


When I came back, I found my bicycle was ______.A. missedB. losingC. robbedD. gone
