名词解释题养分高效植物 nutrient efficient plant

养分高效植物 nutrient efficient plant


解析: 暂无解析


工厂的最小有效规模(Minimum efficient size of plant)

诱发植物(evocator plant)

有效态养分(available nutrient)

植物缺素症 hunger sign in plant, nutrient deficiency symptom in plant

养分转移 nutrient translocation

难溶性养分 difficultly soluble nutrient

养分高效植物 nutrient efficient plant

植物养分比例 plant nutrients ration

养分浓度梯度 nutrient concentration gradient


附生植物(adnascent plant)



名词解释题植物缺素症 hunger sign in plant, nutrient deficiency symptom in plant

名词解释题养分流 nutrient flow

名词解释题植物养分比例 plant nutrients ration

名词解释题工厂的最小有效规模(Minimum efficient size of plant)

单选题In order to culture and propagate enough bacteria to treat the body and galley wastes()Aa new bacteria colony should be put into the plant in advanceBthe disinfection chemicals should be always usedCthe air blower should be started and keep running in advanceDthe nutrient for bacteria should put into plant in advance

名词解释题养分生物有效性 nutrient bioavailability


名词解释题养分再利用 nutrient reutilization

名词解释题无效养分 non-available nutrient

名词解释题中量元素养分 middle element nutrient

名词解释题植物体内养分运输 nutrients transport in plant