单选题I think this sofa is()than that one.AcostlierBexpensiverCcost moreDmore costly

I think this sofa is()than that one.





cost more


more costly


解析: 暂无解析


“I think Sam is very wise.”“ No,he is ()wise. ” A、kinder thanB、as kind asC、not so kind asD、more kind than

I think the discount is higher than anything________ A.or it will have to look elsewhere.B.we’ve ever given before.C.there are two hundred and sixteen thousand employees worldwide.D.but I got nothing out of it.

—What do you think of the _______car?—I think it is much better than his one.A. latest, lastB. lately, lastlyC. early, latelyD. early, lastly

—How delicious the fish is!—But I don't think it is _______what I cooked yesterday.A. as better asB. as well asC. better thanD. no better than

To answer accurately, I think, is more important than ____. A.to finish quicklyB.quickly finishC.you finish quicklyD.quickly finishing

I think the room is ______ too small for three people. We’d better move to a bigger one. A、 quiteB、 veryC、 ratherD、 fairly

This restaurant is rather more ________ than that one. A.expensivelyB.expensivenessC.expensiveD.expense

I think ______ maths is more important than any other subject. A、theB、aC、anD、/

----I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain ----why not consult with Frank? You see, _________.A. great minds think alikeB. two heads are better than oneC. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD. it’s better to think twice before doing something

He has made another wonderful discovery,__________of great importance to science.A.which I think isB.which I think it isC.I think which isD.ofwhich I think it iS

It’s so cold,I think l will have a cup of hot coffee__________a cold drink.A.thanB.no more thanC.rather thanD.more than

I think Chinese is more popular than ( ) subject.A. other B. the otherC. any other D. another

I think Chinese is more popular than ( ) subjeCtA otherB the other C any otherD another

As ___, I think business English is more practical than other courses.A.an International Business student majorB.an International Business majorC.a International Business student majorD.an International Business major student

He has made a discovery, ___ of great importance to the progress of science and technology.A.which I think it isB.which I think isC.think which isD.of which I think it is

I think this sofa is()than that one.AcostlierBexpensiverCcost moreDmore costly

I think this sofa is()than that one.AexpensiverBmore costlyCcost moreDcos tlier

He put forward a theory,()of great importance to the progress of science of technologyAI think which isBwhich I think isCwhich is I thinkDI think it is

He put forward a theory,()of great importance to the progress of science of technologyA、I think which isB、which I think isC、which is I thinkD、I think it is

I think your sister is old enough to know () to spend all her money on fancy goods.A、better thanB、thanC、other thanD、rather than

单选题—What do you think of his new design?—It’s of even ______practical value than the old one. He’s just a bookworm!AgreaterBgreatClessDlittle

单选题—I think science is more useful than art.—I disagree. I think art is _____ science.Anot so useful asBless useful thanCthe most useful ofDas useful as

单选题It’s so cold. I think I will have a cup of hot coffee _____ a cold drink.AthanBno more thanCrather thanDmore than

单选题A: Do you want to come over on Saturday? I’m having a little party.  B: ______AWhy are you going to have a party?BOh, I like parties very much. I can meet a lot of interesting people.CHow about a picnic? I think it is more interesting than a party.DThanks, I’d love to. What time?

单选题I think this sofa is()than that one.AexpensiverBmore costlyCcost moreDcos tlier

单选题I think the discount is higher than anything()Aoritwillhavetolookelsewhere.Bwe’veevergivenbefore.Ctherearetwohundredandsixteenthousandemployeesworldwide.DbutIgotnothingoutofit.

单选题—The scarves are all beautiful. I can’t decide which one to choose.—Oh, look at this red one. I think it’s ______.AbeautifulBmore beautifulCthe most beautifulDless beautiful