共用题干A Powerfu InfluenceThere can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives.Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet,hardly______(51)doing anything else in their spare time .Naturally,parents are______(52)to find out why the Internet is so attractive,and they want to know if it can be______(53)for their children .Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time______(54)their computers?Obviously,if children are bent over their computers for hours,absorbed______(55) some game,instead of doing their homework,then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should______(56)use of the Internet,and the child should give his or her______(57)that it won't interfere with homework.If the child is not______(58) to this arrangement,the parent can take more drastic______(59)dealing with a child's use of the Internet is not much different from______(60)any other soft of bargain about behaviour.Any parent who is______(61)alarmed about a child's behaviour should make an appointment to______(62)the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily______(63)a child's performance at school.Even if a child is______(64)crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just______(65)through a phase,and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!63._________A:. effectB: affectC: changeD: alter

A Powerfu Influence
There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives.Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet,hardly______(51)doing anything else in their spare time .Naturally,parents are______(52)to find out why the Internet is so attractive,and they want to know if it can be______(53)for their children .Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time______(54)their computers?
Obviously,if children are bent over their computers for hours,absorbed______(55) some game,instead of doing their homework,then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should______(56)use of the Internet,and the child should give his or her______(57)that it won't interfere with homework.If the child is not______(58) to this arrangement,the parent can take more drastic______(59)dealing with a child's use of the Internet is not much different from______(60)any other soft of bargain about behaviour.
Any parent who is______(61)alarmed about a child's behaviour should make an appointment to______(62)the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily______(63)a child's performance at school.Even if a child is______(64)crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just______(65)through a phase,and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!

A:. effect
B: affect
C: change
D: alter


解析:此句句意为“在他们的课余时间几乎不做其他的事情”,其中hardly ever为固定搭配,意为“几乎不”等同于never。

考查固定搭配。其中A选项worried意为“忧虑的”;B选项concerned意为“担心的”;D选项hopeful意为“有希望的”;而C选项be curious to sth.意为“对……表示好奇”,与句意一致。故选C。


四个选项都表示看的意思,stare at表示“盯着看”,glance at表示“缥一眼”, look泛指看,watch有观察之意。本句句意为“孩子们花了大量的时间盯着电脑看”,故选A。

考查固定搭配。此句句意为:如果孩子在电脑上花费了太长时间,如沉迷网络游戏,而不是做功课。D选项be absorbed in sth.表示“沉浸在……”。故选D。

考查固定搭配make use of sth.表示“利用”。

考查固定搭配。此句意为“……并且孩子应该保证这不会干预他的功课。” , A选项 word意为“诺言”;B选项promise意为“许诺,允许”;C选项vow意为“发誓”;D选项 claim意为“声称;断言”,并且give word to = promise表示“许诺”,符合句意。故选A。

此句句意为“如果孩子没坚守这个安排……”从句子的意思上看这里有“坚持”的意思,所以应该在A和B之间选择,hold to表示“坚持”,stick to表示“坚持(信念,理想)”选择A。

固定搭配take step to do sth.意为“采取措施做某事”。

此句句意为“……这样与协商任何关于这样的行为的讨价还价无异。” A选项deal-ing意为“处理”;D选项arranging意为“安排,排列”;只有B选项negotiate意为“谈判,协商”,与句意相符。故选B。

从句子的意思上看这里有“严重”之意,只有C表示此意。widely表示“广泛地”, heavily表示“沉重地”, broadly表示“广泛地”。

从句子的意思上看这里有“讨论”之意,discuss sth. with sb.表示“和某人讨论某事”debate sth. with sb.表示“和某人辩论某事”。

此句句意为:在电脑屏幕前花费时间不一定影响孩子在学校的表现。affect意为 “影响”。因此B项正确。

absolutely表示“完全地”,根据句意,这里没有比较的意思,所以排除B , quite表示 “相当”,根据上下文选择A。

考查固定搭配。此句的句意为“……他也许仅仅是在度过一个时期,几个月以后还会有其他事情去担心。” B选项passing与though搭配意为“穿越”;C选项traveling与 though搭配意为“经过”;D选项walking与though搭配意为“走过,草率地处理”;而A 选项go through意为“度过”,与句意相符:故选A。


共用题干Sending E-mails to ProfessorsOne student skipped class and then sent the professor an e-mail________(51)for copies ofher teaching notes.Another_________(52)that she was late for a Monday class because she was recovering fromdrinking too much at a wild weekend party.At colleges and universities in the U. S.,e-mail has made professors more approachable(平易近人).But many say it has made them too accessible,__________(53)boundaries that traditionally kept students at a healthy distance.These days,professors say,students seem to view them as available_________(54)the clock, sending a steady stream of informal e-mails."The tone that they take in e-mails is pretty astounding(令人吃惊的),"said Michael Kessler, an assistant dean at Georgetown University."They'll________(55)you to help:'I need to know this."'"There's a fine________(56)between meeting their needs and at the same time maintaining a level of legitimacy(正统性)as an_________(57)who is in charge."Christopher Dede,a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education,said_________ ( 58 ) show that students no longer defer to(听从)their professors,perhaps because they realize that professors'________(59)could rapidly become outdated."The deference was driven by the_______(60)that professors were all-knowing sources of deep knowledge,"Dede said,and that notion has_________(61).For junior faculty members,e-mails bring new tension into their work,some say, as they struggle with how to________(62).Their job prospects,they realize,may rest in part on student evaluations of their accessibility.College students say e-mail makes________(63)easier to ask questions and helps them learn.But they seem unaware that what they write in e-mails could have negative effects________ (64)them,said Alexandra Lahav,and associate professor of Law at the University of Connecticut. She recalled an e-mail message from a student saying that he planned to miss class so he could play with his son.Professor Lahav did not respond."Such e-mails can have consequences,"she said."Students don't understand that ________(65)they say in e-mail can make them seem unprofessional,and could result in a bad recommendation."_________(58)A:e-mails B:passages C:texts D:books

共用题干Pedestrians Only1 .The concept of traffic-free shopping areas goes back a long time.During the Middle Ages,traffic-free shopping areas were built in Middle Eastern countries to allow people to shop in comfort and,more importantly,safety.As far back as 2,000 years ago,road traffic was banned from central Rome during the day to allow for the free movement of pedestrians (行人),and was only allowed in at night when shops and markets had closed for the day.In most other cities,however,pedestrians were forced to share the streets with horses,coaches and,later,with cars and other motorized vehicles.2 .The modem,traffic-free shopping street was born in Europe in the 1960s when both city populations and car ownership increased rapidly.Dirty gases from cars and the risks involved in crossing the road were beginning to make shopping an unpleasant and dangerous experience.Many believed the time was right for experimenting with car-free streets and shopping areas seemed the best place to start.3 .At first,there was resistance from shopkeepers.They believed that such a move would be bad for business.They argued that people would avoid streets if they were unable to get to them in their cars.When the first streets in Europe were closed to traffic,there were even noisy demonstrations,as may shopkeepers predicted they would lose customers.4 .However,research carried out afterwards in several European cities revealed some unexpected statistics.In Munich,Cologne and Hamburg,visitors to shopping areas increased by 5Opercent.On Copenhagen's main shopping street,shopkeepers reported sales increases of 25-40 percent.Shopkeepers in Minneapolis,the USA,were so impressed when they learnt this that they even offered to pay for the construction and maintenance costs of their own traffic-free streets.5 .With the arrival of the traffic-free shopping street,many shops,especially those selling things like clothes,food and smaller luxury items,prospered.Unfortunately,it wasn't good news for everyone, as shops selling furniture and larger electrical appliances(电器)actually saw their sales drop.Many of these were forced to move elsewhere,away from the city centre.Paragraph 2______A:A Need For ChangeB:An Idea from Ancient HistoryC:Popularity of Online ShoppingD:Facing Protest from Shop OwnersE:Increase in Sales and CustomersF:An Experiment that Went Wrong

共用题干第三篇Reading PoemNo poem should ever be discussed or"analyzed",until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student.Better still,perhaps,is the practice of reading it twice,once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end,so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.All discussions of poetry are,in fact,preparations for reading it aloud,and the reading of the poem is,finally,the most telling"interpretation"of it,suggesting tone,rhythm, and meaning all at once.Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice,on records or on film,is obviously a special reward.But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all,reciting it.I have come to think,in fact,that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than"analyzing"it,if there isn't time for both.I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry.Poetry is"a criticism of life","a heightening of life,enjoyment with others".It is"an approach to the truth of feeling",and it"can save your life".It also deserves a place in the teaching of languages and literature more central than it presently occupies.I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry.Those who don't like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else.But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature,about its sound as well as its sense,and they must make room inthe classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.The phrase"make room"in the last paragraph can be best replaced by______.A:"build a booth"B:"provide equipment"C:"leave a certain amount of time"D:"set aside enough space"

共用题干The Difference between Man and ComputerWhat makes people different from computer programs?What is the missing element that our theories don't yet______(1)for?The answer is simple:people read newspaper stories for a reason:to learn more about______(2) they are interested in.Computers,on the other hand, don't.In fact,computers don't______(3)have interests;there is nothing in particular that they are trying to find out when they read.If a computerwe______(4)is to be a model of story under-standing,it should also read for a“purpose”.Of course,people have several goals that do not make______(5) to attribute to computers.One might read a restaurant guide______(6)order to satisfy hunger or entertainment goals,or to ______(7) a good place to go for a business lunch.Computers do not get hungry,and computers do not have business lunches.However,these physiological and social goals give______(8)to several intellectual or cognitive goals.A goal to satisfy hunger gives rise to goals to find______(9) about the name of a res-taurant which______(10) the desired type of food,how expensive the restaurant is,the location of the restaurant,etc.These are goals to______(11) information or knowledge,what we are calling ______(12) goals.These goals can be held by computers too;a computer______(13)“want”to find out the location of a restaurant,and read a guide in order to do so______(14)the same way as a person might.While such a goal would not______(15) out of hunger in the case of the computer, it might well arise out of the“goal”to learn more about restaurants.7._________A:findB:searchC:lookD:watch

共用题干London Cabbies(出租车司机)Every city in the world has taxis to take tourists to interesting places.London is the only city in the world where taking a taxi is an_________(1)experience for tourists.This is partly because of the special black cabs,which are found in no other country.But it is also because of the drivers themselves.__________(2)British people are famous for being polite and reserved,London cabbies are well-known_______(3)their willingness to talk.Some customers say that once the door shuts and the cab________(4)off they are a captive(监禁了的)audience. It is impossible to get the taxi driver to stop _________ (5). "They're self-confident and free thinking,"said Malcolm Linskey,the author of a history of taxi drivers in London.They are also expensive.London has the most expensive taxis of any city in the world except Tokyo.That's why Ken Livingstone,the Mayor of London,is planning to make taxi drivers negotiate their fares with_________(6)before they take a ride.Drivers agree that their fares are expensive. That's because their black taxis_______(7) more than other cars,they say.And the customer is also paying for more driving expertise (专门知识) than anywhere else in the world.Before someone can qualify as a London taxi driver,that person has to pass a test_________(8)simply as"The Knowledge".This involves________(9)the name andlocation of every street within six miles of a point in the exact centre of London.The trainee (受训者)must also learn the exact location of every important building within these streets. Finally he or she must be able to use this knowledge to work out the________(10) distance between any two destinations within this area.It can________(11)up to three years to pass"The Knowledge".Every day it is possible to see trainee taxi drivers on the streets of London,taking careful notes of popular destinations before tracing the route to their next stop. Cab driving is a job often_______ (12)down in families.Many taxi drivers take their children out in their spare time to memorize_________(13)they need to know when it is their turn to do"The Knowledge".London cabbies also have bigger brains.Recent research found that the part of the brain that remembers things was larger and more________(14)in cab drivers.They have to fit the whole of London into their heads,so their brains grow bigger.So perhaps it is not__________(15)that taxi drivers have lots to say._________(13) A:numbers B:routes C:shapes D:people

共用题干Pretty GoodWhen Spanish football club Barcelona paid US$35 million for Ronaldinho last summer, they weren't buying a pretty face."I am_________(1),"admits the Brazilian superstar(超级明星). " But everyone has got a different kind of beauty. What I _________(2)have is charm."Indeed he has.His buck teeth(鲍牙),flowing hair,big smile,and of course his________(3)skills are always eye-catching on the pitch. The 23-year-old striker(中锋)scored two goals in a 3-2win over Deportivo La Coruna on March 1.It was Barcelona's sixth win in a row and,thanks to their Brazilian's 10-goal contribution,__________(4) looked like a poor season could now end a success.Ronaldinho-full name Ronaldo De Assis Moreira-is one of many South Americans who learned their skills playing in the backstreets before_______(5)them off on the world stage.Great things were________(6)when Gremio signed him as a seven-year-old, and he soon became friends with Ronaldo,who was then the other young star of Brazilian football.It was Ronaldo who first called him Ronaldinho,which__________(7)Little Ronaldo.He first__________(8)for his country in 1999 but it was at the 2002 World Cup where he showed his real worth,scoring an unbelievable free-kick in Brazil's quarter-finalvictory_______(9)England."I have never failed to deliver in big matches,"Ronaldinho says."My game is based on improvisation(即兴表演).Often a forward does not have the time to decide whether to shoot or________(10).It is instinct that gives out the orders."While he may not have David Beckham's good looks,Ronaldinho has a________(11) reputation off the pitch.At former club Paris Saint Germain,which sold him to Barcelona, he broke_________(12)rules by going out and enjoying the city's nightlife. "Without doubt,Ronaldinho is the most__________(13)player I have ever come across,"says former PSG coach Luis Ferdandez. "The main___________(14)for any coach is that one player without discipline can hurt the whole team."But Ronaldinho doesn't think he has done anything wrong."lam just a young personwho enjoys________(15),"he says._________(9) A:at B:over C:on D:above

共用题干School LunchResearch has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat______(51)in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to______(52)meals at lunchtime.Children ca_______.(53)to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much______(54)than lun-ches prepared by parents.There are strict______(55)for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one______(56)of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.Lunchboxes______(57)by researchers contained sweet drinks,crisps and chocolate bars.Children______(58)twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.The research will______(59)a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has______(60)in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot______(61)parents,but it can remind them of the______(62)value of milk,fruit and vegetables.Small changes in their children's diet can______(63)their future health.Children can easily develop bad eating______(64)at this age,and parents are the only ones who can ______(65)it.64._________A: behavioursB: stylesC: attitudesD:.habits

From my standpoint,this thing is just ridiculous.A:field B:point of view C:knowledge D:information

共用题干Sex Change Surgery Guidelines DraftedChina is set to issue its first clinical guideline on sex-change surgery,according to a notice put on the website of the Ministry of Health yesterday. The ministry is now soliciting(征求)public and professional __________(51)on the draft guideline.The coming guideline aims to regulate and standardize sex reassign- ment surgery.Experts___________(52)nearly 2,000 Chinese have undergone sex-change surgery while 100,000 to 400,000 are still considering it. However,no official number is available.In the draft,the MOH sets mini-mum _________(53)for both surgical candidates and medical institutions.Candidates for the surgery must be older than 20 and single,the draft guideline said.They are also required to prove a persistent_________(54)for a sex change,to live for at least five consecutive years full-time in the new gender role,and to engage in mental therapy for at least one year.Before surgery can take place,a candidate must receive a recommendation for the operation from a ___________(55)after an appropriate series of therapy sessions.Also,several legal requirements must be met_________(56)the procedure.The candidate must provide proof from police that he or she does not have any criminal_________(57)in the past. Police must also agree to change the sex status on the identity card of the prospective(未来的)receiver before the_________ (58) can take place.The advent(出现)of such a guideline is believed to show that the government is concerned __________(59)the needs of a relatively small number of people who want to change sex.But doctors also warn___________(60)all stakeholders,including the hospital and prospective receivers,should be highly cautious about this surgery.The operation is more than a medical_________(61)due to its huge social and legal consequences. Doctors should make it clear to those__________(62)sex-change surgeries that the option always remains to continue to live in the original role.The guideline_________(63)surgeons to tell patients about other options such as hormone therapy.They are also required to explain the_________(64)involved,and under- lying social barriers including discrimination,and administrative recognition and approval.For the candidates,the surgery itself is not the_________(65)issue in the long run.The real issue is the kind of life he or she will have to lead afterward._________(62)A:followingB:helpingC:studyingD:seeking

共用题干"Happy Birthday to You"The main problem in discussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics:it won't stay American.No matter what it is,whether it is films,food and fashion,music,casual sports or slang, it's soon at home elsewhere in the world.There are several theories why American popular culture has had this appeal.One theory is that it has been"advertised"and marketed through American films,popular music,and more recently,television.________(46)They are,after all,in competition with those produced by other countries. Another theory,probably a more common one,is that American popular culture is internationally associ-ted with something called"the spirit of America"._______(47)The final theory is less complex:American popular culture is popular because a lot of people in theworld like it.Regardless of why it spreads,American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in many other countries.________(48)"Happy Birthday to You",for instance,is such an everyday song tha its source,its American copyright,so to speak,is not remembered.Black leather jackets worn by many heroe in American movies could be found,a generation later,on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-look their own.Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music.Some people canstill remember a time when T-shirts,jogging clothes,tennis shoes,denim jackets,and blue jeans were notcommon daily wear everywhere.Only twenty years ago,it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or her clothes.No longer so:Those bright colors,checkered jackets and trousers,hats and socks which were once made fun of in cartoons are back again in Paris as the latest fashion._____(49)The situation with American popular music is more complex because in the beginning,when it was still clearly American,it was often strongly resisted.Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their morals,and was actually outlawed in several countries.Today,while still showing its rather American roots, has become so well established.Rock 'n' roll and all its variations,country & western music,all have moi or less similar histories.They were first resisted,often in America as well,as being"low-class",and then: "a danger to our nation's youth".______(50)And then the music became accepted and was extende and developed,and exported back to the US.46.________(46)A.As a result,its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.B.But this theory fails to explain why American films,music,and television programs are so popular in then selves.C.American in origin,informal clothing has become the world's first truly universal style.D.The BBC,for example,banned rock and roll until 1962.E.American food has become popular around the world,too.F.This spirit is variously described as being young and free,optimistic and confident,informal and disrespectfu.________(47)A:As a result,its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.B:But this theory fails to explain why American films,music,and television programs are so popular in then selves.C:American in origin,informal clothing has become the world's first truly universal style.D:The BBC,for example,banned rock and roll until 1962.E:American food has become popular around the world,too.F:This spirit is variously described as being young and free,optimistic and confident,informal and disrespectfu.

共用题干第一篇Sleep Necessary for MemoriesBurning the midnight oil before an exam or interview does harm to the performance according to a recent research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be taken back into the brain.A good night's sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a required condition of having good recall in the weeks ahead,scientists have found.The research,published in the December issue of Nature Neuroscience,showed that it was the act of sleep,rather than the simple passage of time,that was critical for long-term memory formation."We think that getting that first night's sleep starts the process of memory consolidation (巩固)."said Robert Stickgold, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School who conducted the latest study."It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down.My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nailing down." Professor Stickgold said.With about one in five people claiming that they are so chronically short of sleep that it affects their daily activities,the latest work emphasizes the less well-understood side effect-serious memory impairment(损害).Volunteers in an experiment found it easier to remember a memory task if they were allowed to sleep that night.But for those kept awake,no amount of subsequent sleep made up for the initial loss.Professor Stickgold's team trained 24 people to identify the direction of three diagonal (斜线形的)bars flashed for a sixtieth of a second on a computer screen full of horizontal (水平的)stripes.Half of the subjects were kept awake that night,while the others slept.Both groups were allowed to sleep for the second and third nights to make up for any differences in tiredness between the volunteers.Those who slept the first night were significantly and consistently better at remembering the task while the second group showed no improvement despite enjoying two nights of catch-up sleep.Stickgold's research focused on the side effect produced byA:memory impairment.B:lack of sleep.C:low work efficiency.D:memory recall.