单选题The weather was rather warm this year. It only snowed _____, not enough for skiing.AconstantlyBoccasionallyChabituallyDoddly

The weather was rather warm this year. It only snowed _____, not enough for skiing.











34.It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it _________be rather cold some-times.A.mustB.canC.shouldD.would

Blood pressure usually falls in warm weather.()

Some kinds of winds might cause illness or health problems, because().A、winds from mountain regions blowing faster and faster warm and dry the airB、researchers say there are more strokes and heart attacks during windy weather of this kindC、bad headaches and asthma attacks are some possible examples of the effects of the winds

We _____ rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch.A: willB: shouldC: wouldD: could

On a weather map, a large letter “H” means ______.A.a high pressure area with cool, dry air, and fair weatherB.a high pressure area with warm, moist air, and inclement weatherC.horse latitudes, with rough seas and strong windsD.a heavy squall line near the “H”

I hope to be ______ your teacher ______ your good friend.A、not; butB、not only; butC、if; notD、rather; than

It is hoped that the weather will( )warm for three more days.A. lastB. go onC. keep onD. stay

Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due toA.use of low viscosity oil in cold weatherB.increased moisture content of inlet air in cold weatherC.increased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosityD.higher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engine during cold weather

A decrease in barometric pressure is associated with all of the following except ______.A.rising warm airB.proximity to a low pressure areaC.inward spiraling circulationD.clear dry weather

______ are experienced in temperate latitudes during warm summer weather but rarely exceed Force 3 and may extend 10 to 15 miles on either side of the coastline.A.Trade WindsB.Winds of the temperate zonesC.MonsoonsD.Land and Sea Breezes

She would rather that her husband ( ) travel duing the bad weather but he insists that he return home today.A. do notB. notC. must notD. did not

--How about going out for a picnic on Sunday morning?--Hmm.__________. The weather is quite warm these days.A.Well, no wayB.Oh, never mindC.Yes, why notD.Sure, no doubt

It is advisable that some warm clothing ( ) with you, as the weather can change quite suddenly in the mountainous area.A.is takenB.will be takenC.be takenD.has been taken

She would rather that her husband ___ travel during the bad weather, but he insists that he return home today.A.do notB.notC.must notD.did not

单选题Steady precipitation is typical of().Acoming cold weather conditionsBa warm front weather conditionChigh pressure conditionsDscattered cumulus clouds

单选题Steady precipitation is typical of().AComing cold weather conditionsBA warm front weather conditionCHigh pressure conditionsDScattered cumulus cloudsduring the day

单选题The weather was rather warm this year. It only snowed _____, not enough for skiing.AconstantlyBoccasionallyChabituallyDoddly

单选题On a weather map,a large letter “h” means()Aa high pressure area with cool, dry air and fair weatherBa high pressure area with warm, moist air and inclement weatherChorse latitudes, with rough seas and strong windsDa heavy squall line near the “H”

单选题(),we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than really listening to other people.ATraditionallyBAdditionallyCConditionallyDExceptionll

单选题Which of the following statements is true?ADeveloping fever is the privilege of warm-blooded animals, so sick lizards cannot run a fever.BInvertebrates also have the ability to raise their temperature.CThe internal temperatures of warm-blooded creatures are independent of the weather, so are the cold-blooded animals.DSick lizards move into the sun to develop fever.

单选题A decrease in barometric pressure is associated with all of the following except().Arising warm airBproximity to a low pressure areaCinward spiraling circulationDclear dry weather

单选题Praise is like warm sunshine. It not only brings joy to ______ who are praised but also adds pleasure to ______ who praise.Athese; theseBwe; usCthem; them Dthose; those

单选题Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due to()Ause of low viscosity oil in cold weatherBincreased moisture content of inlet air in cold weatherCincreased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosityDhigher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engine during cold weather

单选题I’d rather you ______ anything about the garden until the weather improves.Adon’t makeBdidn’t doCdon’t doDdidn’t make

单选题Weather forecast messages are usually().AGiven only to TV stationsBTransmitted only by commercial broadcast stationsCBroadcast in plain languageDBroadcast immediately on VHF Channel 16 and 2182 kHz

单选题It is hoped that the weather will()warm for three more days.AlastBgo onCkeep onDstay

单选题Which of the following statements concerning frontal movements is TRUE().AThe temperature rises after a cold front passesBThe barometric pressure rises when a warm front passesCA cold front generally passes faster than a warm frontDA warm front usually has more violent weather associated with it than a cold front

单选题Praise is like warm sunshine. It not only brings joy to _____ who are praised but also adds pleasure to _____ who praise.Athese; theseBwe; usCthem; themDthose; those