单选题A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n)().AfixBestimated positionCdead reckoning positionDrunning fix

A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n)().



estimated position


dead reckoning position


running fix


解析: 暂无解析


( 14 )下面的函数定义是某函数模板能够生成的函数实例int square(int n) {return n*n;}double square(double n) {return n*n;}由此可知,该函数模板的定义是 【 15 】 。

Position read from this chart should be moved 0.08 minutes Southward and 0.13 minutes Eastward so as ______ adjoining chart 344.A.to agree uponB.in accordance withC.to be same asD.to agree with

A line of position derived from a loran reading is a section of a(n) ______.A.straight lineB.arcC.parabolaD.hyperbola

A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n) ______.A.dead-reckoning positionB.running fixC.estimated positionD.fix

All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ______.A.Mercator projectionB.polyconic projectionC.orthographic projectionD.gnomonic projection

A chart position enclosed by a semi-circle is a(n) ______.A.fixB.estimated positionC.dead reckoning positionD.running fix

Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a ______.A.red triangle with the letter RB.white triangle with the letters RGC.green square with the letter GD.white square with the letters GR

A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n) ______.A.estimated positionB.assumed positionC.fixD.running fix

______ is a digitized“picture”of a chart.A.Vector chart formatB.Raster chart dataC.pixelD.Electronic Nautical Chart

单选题There are salvage operations()position 120.0N, 12.5E.AonBatCinDabove

单选题A line of position derived by radar range from an identified point on a coast will be a(n) ().Astraight lineBarcCparabolaDline parallel to the coast

单选题A chart position enclosed by a semi-circle is a(n) ().AfixBestimated positionCdead reckoning positionDrunning fix

单选题Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a().Ared triangle with the letter RBwhite triangle with the letters RGCgreen square with the letter GDwhite square with the letter GR

单选题A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n)().AfixBestimated positionCdead reckoning positionDrunning fix

单选题A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n)().Arunning fixBdead-reckoning positionCfixDestimated position

单选题A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time,is a(n) ().AfixBrunning fixCestimated positionDdead-reckoning position

单选题A line of position formed by sighting two charted objects in line is called a(n)().Arelative bearingBrange lineCtrack lineDestimated position

单选题A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n) ().Adead-reckoning positionBrunning fixCestimated positionDfix

单选题When a feature remains in its existing charted position but has a change of characteristic,()command is used on a chart.AMOVEBDELETECAMENDDSUBSTITUTE

单选题There is a()mine in position 50°N,30°W.AdriftingBdriftedCdriftDdraft

单选题()is a digitized“picture”of a chart.AVector chart formatBRaster chart dataCpixelDElectronic Nautical Chart

单选题Fishing stake,the position of which frequently(),exist in the area covered by this chart.AremovedBalteredCcorrectedDconverted

单选题All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n) ().AMercator projectionBpolyconic projectionCorthographic projectionDgnomonic projection

单选题A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)().Arunning fixBfixCestimated positionDassumed position

单选题A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)().Aestimated positionBassumed positionCfixDrunning fix

单选题You determine your vessel’s position by taking a range and bearing to a buoy.Your position will be plotted as a(n)().ARunning fixBFixCDead-reckoning positionDEstimated position

单选题On chart,bearings to near objects should be used in preference to objects farther off,because().Aa small error in bearing or in laying it down on the chart has a greater effect in misplacing the position the longer the line to be drawnBall scales are kept updated for vital information by Notices to MarinersCthe larger the scale of the chart,the greater the detail that can be shown on itDthe mariner using the medium scale charts for passage along a coast need not transfer on to a large scale for short distances

单选题There is a drilling rig established()position 24.1E 25.2N.AatBonCinDabove