单选题The next train to Beijing()here at 3 o'clock.Ais dueBis due toCis due forDdue to

The next train to Beijing()here at 3 o'clock.

is due


is due to


is due for


due to


解析: 暂无解析


The next train to Beijing is ____ to arrive at 9 A.m.. A.dueB.sureC.earlyD.late

The next train to Beijing is ____ to arrive at 9 答案选项:A.m.. A.m..答案选项:A.dueB.sureC.earlyD.late

Our train is __________ in Beijing at 9 a.m. A. lateB. dueC. earlyD. sure

The clock_________ and we realized that it was two o’clock. A.hitB.struckC.turnedD.rang

Yesterday I didn't go to bed _u __________.twelve o'clock.

--- What time will the next train leave?--- ________.A. Five peopleB. At 8.19C. At the railway station

一What time will the next train leave ?一 .A. Five peopleB. At 8.19C. At the railway station

-What time will the next train leave?-At 8. 19.A. RightB. Wrong

It is advisable that he ________ a seat in the train to Beijing.A may reserveB ought to reserveC reserveD must reserve

It’s eight o’clock. Jim’s family ______ TV. A is watchingB are watchingC watchD to watch

― Seven thirty? I guess I’d better get going for the meeting at eight o’clock.When is the next bus up to the hotel?― ___________________. A.That bus leaves here in 15 minutes.B.That bus left just now.C.That bus isn’t here.D.The bus over there is waiting.

It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack ( )be there at any moment.A. mustB. needC. should

The next train to Beijing()here at 3 o'clock.A、is dueB、is due toC、is due forD、due to

Which three will compile and run without exception?()A、private synchronized Object o;B、void go() {synchronized() { /* code here */ }C、public synchronized void go() { /* code here */ }D、private synchronized(this) void go() { /* code here */ }E、void go() {synchronized(Object.class) { /* code here */ }F、void go() {Object o = new Object();synchronized(o) { /* code here */ }

单选题_____ALeave it to me.BThat’s a good idea.CThat’s great.DTen o’clock.

单选题Mr Obama will give a speech on the current situation at the meeting _____ next week in Beijing.Ato holdBheldCholdingDto be held

填空题Tom saw his best friend at the party when it was 8 o’clock.→ Tom ____ see his best friend ____ it was 8 o’clock.

单选题A: It’s already 9 o’clock. I’m afraid I have to go. Thank you for the wonderful dinner.  B: ______AAll right. Have a good night.BNice to have you here. So long.COK. You can get home early and go to bed early.DIt’s still early. Please have another cup of coffee.

单选题I am wondering when does the next train leave for Shanghai.Aam wonderingBwhenCdoes the next train leaveDfor

单选题The next train to Beijing is()to arrive at a.m.AdueBsureCearlyDlate

单选题The next train _____ the station at 11 o'clock.AleavesBhas leftCleftDleaving

单选题You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting though you don't mind taking the night train.AcanBearlier forCthoughDtaking

填空题By this time next year a hotel (build) ____ here.

多选题Which three will compile and run without exception?()Aprivate synchronized Object o;Bvoid go(){   synchronized(){/* code here */}Cpublic synchronized void go(){/* code here */}Dprivate synchronized(this) void go(){/* code here */}Evoid go(){   synchronized(Object.class){/* code here */}Fvoid go(){   Object o = new Object();   synchronized(o){/* code here */}

填空题It’s really (wonder) ____ to see you here again in Beijing.

单选题Rose came to Beijing in 2002. She ______ here for eight years.Awas livingBliveCwill liveDhas lived

单选题The conference _____ in Beijing next week is bound to be a great success.AholdingBbeing heldCto holdDto be held