单选题Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for().Aprovision orderBdischarging planningCannual repairDoutward clearance

Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for().

provision order


discharging planning


annual repair


outward clearance


解析: 暂无解析


King and queen are the two most important members of a(n) ________ family. A.legendaryB.renownedC.imperialD.breathtaking

If the consignee fails to present the original bill of lading to the shipping company, ________ .A.he can get the cargo by paying the freight dueB.he can get the cargo by claiming to the consigneeC.he can get the cargo by giving a letter of indemnityD.he will never get the cargo

A "dangerous cargo manifest" is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this "manifest" from the ______.A.manufacturerB.ABSC.Coast GuardD.shipper

Please mark (out) one of the most important register of shipping in the world. ______.A.HK MARDEPB.COSCOC.Lloyd's SocietyD.Liberia Shipping Registry

Which statement about the dangerous cargo manifest,carried on a ship,is TRUE ________.A.The manifest must be made up by the Master or other designated ship's officerB.Shipments of hazardous and non-hazardous cargo may be listed on the manifest if they are destined for the same consigneeC.The manifest must be kept in a designated holder on or near the bridgeD.The type of label(s)required for each cargo must be indicated

Another name for coal naphtha that would appear on a dangerous cargo manifest is ______.A.BenzeneB.TarC.Middle oilD.Toluene

Which cargo would require a dangerous cargo manifest ________.A.CottonB.WheatC.SugarD.Lumber

What entry on a dangerous cargo manifest concerning the classification of a cargo is correct ________.A.Class 8B.Class 3 - flammable liquidC.Division 2.2 - nonflammable gasD.All of the above are correct

Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for ______.A.discharging planningB.safety inspectionC.entry reportD.provision order

Cargo may be divided into two basic types:().A、bulk cargo and container cargoB、bulk cargo and general cargoC、bulk cargo and liquid cargoD、dry cargo and liquid cargo

Which of the following is the MOST important step in any disaster recovery plan?()A、 Appropriate use of backup media and offsite storageB、 The disaster recovery testing process过程C、 Classifying systems according to operational impactD、 Use appropriate fire suppressant systems

In which two locations can library dependencies be defined for a web application? ()A、 the web application deployment descriptorB、 the /META-INF/dependencies.xml fileC、 the /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF manifest fileD、 the /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF manifest of a JAR in the web application classpath

单选题A dangerous cargo manifest is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to mark this manifest from the().AmanufacturerBCCSCHASDshipper

单选题Which of the following is the MOST important troubleshooting step?()ATest the theory.BPerform a root cause analysis.CEstablish a plan of action.DMake one change at a time.

单选题Which cargo would require a dangerous cargo manifest? ()ACottonBWheatCSugarDLumber

单选题A “dangerous cargo manifest” is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this “manifest” from the().AmanufacturerBABSCCoast GuardDshipper

单选题The development of the container system().Amakes a cargo reach the farthest destinationBmakes the ship go as far as she canCis the most significant change in shipping industryDis the most economical change in shipping industry

单选题On the cargo manifest,the gross weight of a box containing cargo is the weight of the().AcargoBboxCcargo and boxDrate weight

单选题What are the most important parts ofa lesson plan?ATextbooks and classroom aids.BAnticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with them.CObjectives of the lesson and procedures to achieve them.DSummary and homework.

单选题Another name for coal naphtha that would appear on a dangerous cargo manifest is().AbenzeneBtarCmiddle oilDtoluene

单选题What entry on a dangerous cargo manifest concerning the classification of a cargo is correct? ()AClass 8BClass 3 - flammable liquidCDivision 2.2 - nonflammable gasDAll of the above are correct

单选题Please mark (out) one of the most important register of shipping in the world. ().AHK MARDEPBCOSCOCLloyd's SocietyDLiberia Shipping Registry

单选题The most important principle in the stowage is().Ato ensure the safety of the ship and protect the cargo from being damagedBto avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardCto reject the damaged cargo during loadingDto prevent the spontaneous combustion of coal and grain

单选题Manifest and cargo plan are the two most important shipping papers required for().Aprovision orderBdischarging planningCannual repairDoutward clearance

单选题Hoses used for cargo transfer operations must be tested abdinspected at specified intervals by ().Aa representative of the Captain of the PortBthe operator of the vessel or facilityCa representative of the National Cargo BureauDa representative of the American Bureau of Shipping

单选题The most important principle in the cargo stowage is().Ato avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardBto ensure the safety of the ship and cargoCto reject the damaged cargo during loading operationDto prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain

单选题The two most important _____ in making a cake are flour and sugar.AelementsBcomponentsCingredientsDconstituents

单选题What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?ATextbooks and classroom aids.BAnticipation of problems and flexibility in dealing with them.CObjectives of the lesson and procedures to achieve them.DSummary and homework.