单选题Barely able to speak because of the cold, the communication among the two explorers had to be done through gestures.Athe communication among the two explorers had to be done through gesturesBthe communication between the two explorers had to be done through gesturesCthe two explorers had to communicate through gesturesDthe two explorers had to communicate between themselves from gesturesEgestures were used to communicate between the two explorers

Barely able to speak because of the cold, the communication among the two explorers had to be done through gestures.

the communication among the two explorers had to be done through gestures


the communication between the two explorers had to be done through gestures


the two explorers had to communicate through gestures


the two explorers had to communicate between themselves from gestures


gestures were used to communicate between the two explorers




For communication to occur, there must be:A Two or more people involvedB the transmittal of informationC a communication processD All of the aboveE B and C only

There are two kinds of cross-cultural communication: () communication and bilateral communication. A、verbalB、successfulC、unilateralD、unsuccessful

Why was David able to get the job in the company?A. He had done well in all his exams.B. He had written some computer programs.C. He was good at playing computer games.D. He had learnt to use computers at school.

Why was David able to get the job in the company?A.He had done well in all his exams.B.He had written some computer programs.C.He was good at playing computer games.D.He had learnt to use computers at schoo1.

Under normal conditions, the act of communication requires the presence of at least two persons: one who sends and one who receives the communication. In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs or symbols that mean the same to the sender and the receiver.The means of communication are too numerous and varied for systematic classification; therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. Reception of communication is achieved by our senses. Sight, hearing, and touching seem to play the most important roles. Smell and taste play very limited roles, for they cannot receive intellectual expression from fully developed systems of sings and symbols.Examples of visual communication are gesture and imitation. Although both frequently accompany speech, there are systems that rely solely on sight, such as those used by deaf, and dumb persons. Another means of communicating visually is by signals of fire, smoke, flags, or flashing light. Feelings may be simply communicated by touch, such as by handshaking or backslapping, although a highly developed system of hand-stroking has enabled blind, deaf, and dumb persons to communicate intelligently. Whistling to someone, applauding in a theater, and other forms of communication by sound rely upon the ear as a receiver. The most fully developed form. of auditory communication is, of course, the spoken language.The means of communication mentioned so far have two features in common: they last only a short time, and the persons involved must be relatively close to each other. Therefore, all are restricted in time and space.1、Reception of communication______ .A、is more important than sending messagesB、 depends on two personsC、 involves use of the sensesD、 play only limited roles2、Applauding is specifically mentioned as an example of ______.A、communication by soundB、 gesture and imitationC、 communication by sending a messageD、 communication between the listener and speaker3、Persons who cannot see, hear, or speak are able to communicate through ______.A、gesturingB、handshakingC、smellingD、hand-stroking4、The author specifically mentions that speech is______A、often used when other means are impossibleB、necessary for normal communicationC、the only highly developed system of communicationD、the most developed form. of communication based on hearing5、According to the passage, means of communication _________A、can develop quickly if there is enough time and spaceB、all have the same featuresC、have some limitations even if they are fully developedD、depend on the persons involved

There would be no doubt ( ) the boy had done something wrong. A、ifB、thatC、whetherD、what

The international flavor of many people’s jobs naturally means that there is greater interaction(交往)between people from different cultures. Within the business environment, understanding and coping with intercultural differences between people is critical(重要的)to ensuring(保证)that interpersonal communication is successful.Intercultural awareness(跨文化意识)is necessary for two reasons. Firstly, it minimizes(减少)the possibility of misunderstandings (误解)and/or causing offense (冒犯)through intercultural mishaps(意外). Secondly, it is a means to maximizing (使……最大化)the potential of business relationships through the utilization(利用)of intercultural differences productively.One area within the business environment in which intercultural awareness is a necessity is in business presentation. Directors(主管), managers, salespeople, consultants (顾问)and business personnel are regularly required to deliver presentations. However, when one is asked to give a presentation to an audience from a different culture there are intercultural factors that can hinder(阻碍)the success of a presentation.1. What is very important in interpersonal communication according to the text?()A.Understanding and coping with intercultural differences between people.B.Greater interaction between people from different cultures.C.Offense through intercultural mishaps.D.Misunderstanding through intercultural mishaps.2.What can we infer(推理)from the text about intercultural communication?()A.There are many differences among people from different cultures.B.Misunderstandings seldom occur(发生)in intercultural communication.C.Intercultural mishaps do not exist within the business environment.D.Business presentation is an easy job in intercultural communication.3.How can intercultural awareness help in strengthening business relationship?()A.It minimizes the possibility of misunderstandings in intercultural communication.B.It can help people find the intercultural factors that can hinder the success of a business presentation.C.It can help people use intercultural differences productively.D.All of the above.4.What does intercultural awareness mean?()A.Intercultural differences in intercultural communication.B.Understanding and coping with intercultural differences between people.C.Giving a business presentation.D.Misunderstandings through intercultural mishaps.5.If this text goes on, what do you think the author is going to talk about next?()A.The intercultural factors that can hinder the success of a business presentation.B.Misunderstandings in intercultural communication.C.Intercultural mishaps.D.How to use intercultural differences productively.

A socket is basically an end point of a communication link between two applications. Sockets that extend over a network connect two or more applications running on(61)computers attached to the network. A socket(62)two addresses:(63). Sockets provide a(64)communication channel between one or more systems.There are(65)sockets separately using TCP and UDP.A.uniqueB.separateC.sameD.dependent

Workstation A has been assigned an IP address of Workstation B has been assigned an IP address of The two workstations are connected with a straight-through cable. Attempts to ping between the hosts are unsuccessful. What two things can be done to allow communications between the hosts? ()A. Replace the straight-through cable with a crossover cable.B. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /25.C. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /26.D. Change the address of Workstation A to Change the address of Workstation B to

Workstation A has been assigned an IP address of Workstation B has beenassigned an IP address of The two workstations are connected with a straight-through cablE.Attempts to ping between the hosts are unsuccessful. What two things can be done to allow communications between the hosts? ()A.Replace the straight-through cable with a crossover cableB.Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /25C.Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /26D.Change the address of Workstation A to the address of Workstation B to

Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be __.A. shutdownB. done awayC. taken offD. called off

A () is a software that provides a method of communication between two electronic devices over the World Wide Web.A.routerB.coberC.J2EED.weB.service

A ( )is a software that provides a method of communication between two electronic devices over the World Wide Web. A、routerB、coberC、J2EED、web service

When one connection to a host fails in a full mesh network, which of the following is true?()A、All hosts can communicate.B、No hosts can communicate.C、Half of the hosts will lose communication.D、Only the two hosts between the failed connection will lose communication.

Which two wireless devices acts as a communication connection between the client and WLAN()A、 bridgeB、 access pointC、 wireless adaptorD、 Layer 3 switchE、 antenna

What is the primary use of a remote access VPN?()A、to secure communication between two remote PCsB、to secure communication between two remote officesC、to secure communication betweenan remote PC and the corporate intranetD、to secure communication between a corporate intranet and the public internet

单选题The prime minister had to_______because he was believed to have done something bad against his people.AreleaseBresignCreformDregard

单选题The Prime Minister's speech was ______ —overflowing with praise for the work the legislators had done.AnebulousBlegitimateCeffusiveDexorbitantEarguable

单选题The father expected his son to______ the family tradition that had been handed down for nearly two hundred years.Acarry on Bpass through Caccount for Dbring on

单选题He felt()of what he had done in school.AshyBashCadvisableDashamed

单选题What is the primary use of a remote access VPN?()Ato secure communication between two remote PCsBto secure communication between two remote officesCto secure communication betweenan remote PC and the corporate intranetDto secure communication between a corporate intranet and the public internet

单选题The prime minister had to ______ because he was believed to have done something bad against his people.AreleaseBresignCreformDregard

单选题She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. ()AactBhomeworkCjusticeDmodel

单选题When one connection to a host fails in a full mesh network, which of the following is true?()AAll hosts can communicate.BNo hosts can communicate.CHalf of the hosts will lose communication.DOnly the two hosts between the failed connection will lose communication.

单选题The ARQ mode should be applied().Awhen two stations communicate with each otherBin any radio system and at any timeCwhen one ship sends a message to another stationDfor communication among some stations

多选题Which two wireless devices acts as a communication connection between the client and WLAN()AbridgeBaccess pointCwireless adaptorDLayer 3 switchEantenna

问答题Firstly, the understanding of certain backgrounds is of great significance to the cross-cultural communication. There are two kinds of communication between human beings: one is extroverted, the other is introverted. Like the computer programs, the extroverted communication processes according to the well-edited programs, or it can’t work. On the contrary, communication with the introverts is like that between the twin brothers or sisters, because they have tacit understanding and only need simple sentences or phrases in their conversations.