单选题()your latest tropical storm warning information?AWhat isBHow isCWhat areDHow are

()your latest tropical storm warning information?

What is


How is


What are


How are


解析: 暂无解析


Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can______it.A.go aheadB.approachC.proceed nearD.run into

Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel,if astern of it,can______it.A.crossB.approachC.proceed nearD.run into

What is your________tropical storm warning information?A.latestB.latelyC.lastD.nowadays

The Daily Memorandum contains information on ______.A.active weather disturbances such as hurricanes or tropical stormsB.the latest navigational warningsC.scheduled vessel arrivals and departures for a 24-hour periodD.water levels at river ports where run-off affects tidal heights

A tsunami is caused by a(n) ______.A.tidal waveB.storm surge caused by a hurricane or tropical stormC.earthquake on the ocean's floorD.tornado

Your tow contains a barge carrying carbon tetrachloride.What is NOT required ________.A.Cargo warning signs on bargeB.Cargo information card on bargeC.Cargo information card in pilothouseD.Certificated tankerman on towboat

When a hurricane passes over colder water or land and loses its tropical characteristics,the storm becomes a(n)______.A.High pressure areaB.Extratropical low-pressure systemC.Tropical stormD.Easterly wave

材料:The master of every ship which meets with dangerous ice,a dangerous derelict,or any other direct danger to navigation,or a tropical storm,or encounters sub freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice accretion on superstructures,or winds of force 10 or above on the Beaufort scale for which no storm warning has been received,is bound to communicate the information by all the means at his disposal to ships in the vicinity,and also to the competent authorities at the first point on the coast with which he can communicate.The form. in which the information is sent is not obligatory.It may be transmitted either in plain language(preferably English)or by means of the International Code of Signals.It should be broadcast to all ships in the vicinity and sent to the first point on the coast to which communication can be made,with a request that it be transmitted to the appropriate authorities.Each Contracting Government will take all steps necessary to ensure that when intelligence of any of the dangers specified in the above paragraph of this regulation is received,it will be promptly brought to the knowledge of those concerned and communicated to other interested Governments.问题:The transmission of messages respecting the dangers specified is free of cost to the ships concerned. The word“intelligence”in the last paragraph means ________.A.witB.mentalityC.wisdomD.informationThis passage is most likely extracted from ________.A.Hague RulesB.Marpol 73/78C.SOLASD.IMDG CodeThe information of dangerous circumstances and conditions specified in the first paragraph shall be transmitted in the passage under the title of ________.A.urgencyB.safetyC.distressD.immediate dangerIt is not essential for the master of a ship which meets with ________ to communicate the information by all the means at his disposal to ships in the vicinity,and to the competent authorities at the first point on the coast with which he can communicate.A.dangerous ice,a dangerous derelict,or any other direct danger to navigation,or a tropical stormB.sub freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice accretion on superstructuresC.winds of force 10 or above on the Beaufort scale for which no storm warning has been receivedD.any dangers specified in this passage which is not necessary to be promptly brought to the knowledge of d interested Governments请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!


单选题Which condition suggests that your present position lies in the navigable semicircle of a tropical storm().AA backing windBA veering windCSustained gale force windsDA strong wind that maintains a constant speed and direction

单选题Winds expected to()Storm Force 10 in south-east semicircle later up to 300 miles from the center of the tropical cyclone.AgetBachieveCattainDreach

单选题A message warning of a tropical storm should be sent as a(n)().Aroutine messageBurgent messageCdistress messageDsafety message

单选题A tropical storm is building strength some distance from your ship. Waves are coming from the east,with periods increasing from 5 seconds to 15 seconds. The swell is from the east. Where was the storm when these new swells were generated? ()ATo the north of youBTo the south of youCTo the east of youDTo the west of you

判断题WHAT IS YOUR LATEST GALE WARNING?的中文意思是:你船接收的航行警告是什么?A对B错

单选题Wen a hurricane passes over colder water or land and loses its tropical characteristics,the storm becomes a(n)().AHigh pressure areaBExtratropical low-pressure systemCTropical stormDEasterly wave

单选题What is the first visible indication of the presence of a tropical cyclone or hurricane().AStratocumulus clouds or strange birdsBRain and increasing windsCAn exceptionally long swellDDark clouds and the“bar”of the storm

单选题If we had stayed at that port much longer,we()the tropical storm.Awill meet withBmet withCwould meet withDwould have met with

单选题When a hurricane passes into high latitudes over colder water and the source of heat is disrupted,the storm assumes the characteristics of().Aa high pressure areaBan extratropical cycloneCa tropical stormDan easterly wave

单选题热带风暴(Tropical Storm,简写())。ATDBTSCSTSDT

单选题During the voyage from Singapore, my vessel()No.9904 tropical storm.AmetBsawCwatchedDencountered

单选题The Daily Memorandum contains information on().Aactive weather disturbances such as hurricanes or tropical stormsBthe latest navigational warningsCscheduled vessel arrivals and departures for a 24-hour periodDwater levels at river ports where run-off affects tidal heights

单选题In a tropical cyclone,in the Northern Hemisphere,a vessel hove to with the wind shifting counterclockwise is().Aahead of the storm centerBin the dangerous semicircleCin the navigable semicircleDdirectly in the approach path of the storm

单选题The navigable semicircle of a tropical storm in the South Indian Ocean is located on which side of the storm’s track? ()ARearBFrontCLeftDRight

单选题When your vessel is on or near the path of an approaching tropical storm the().Awind direction remains steadyBwind speed increasesCbarometer fallsDAll of the above

单选题Which change in the condition of the seas could indicate the formation of a tropical storm or hurricane several hundred miles from your location? ()AA long swell from an unusual directionBA lengthy lull in the wind and seasCLarge seas coming from different directionsDA brisk chop from the southeast

单选题OWING TROPICAL STORM9706 CROSSING OUR/COURSE PLSPERMIT SHELTERING KAGOSHIMA KAIWAN. This cable indicates that().Ashe requested shelter permissionBshe intended to berth at port of KAGOSHIMACshe intended to change her courseDshe was reporting to the port that a tropical storm is coming

单选题What is your latest tropical storm warning()?AinformationBnewsCdescriptionDsignals