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在通信专业中,WDM的英文全称是( ),“吞吐量”英文通常翻译为( )。[1分]A.Wierless Digital ModulationB.Wave Division MultiplexingC.Wavelength Division MultiplexingD.Wireless Data Modulation

In the modulation style. of PSK, if a kind of Modem's modulation rate is 3200baud and it's phase is 8, what is the data transfer rate of this kind of Modem ?A.14.4kbpsB.28.8kbpsC.9600bpsD.3200bps

UE进行调频取决于其PUSCH子帧第1个时隙的『____』。(The UE's frequency modulation depends on 『____』 of the PUSCH sub-frame. slot.)

PDSCH信道的调制方式有QPSK、『____』和『____』。(PDSCH channel modulation have QPSK、『____』and『____』.)

在通信专业中,WDM的英文全称是(),吞吐量英文通常翻译为()。A.Wierless Digital Modulation B.Wave Division Multiplexing C.Wavelength Division Multiplexing D.Wireless Data Modulation A.traffic flow B.rate C.throughout D.throughput

下列关于MTF(调制传递函数)的概念理解,错误的是A.MTF指输入信息量与记录信息量之比B.MTF的英文全称为modulation transfer functionC.MTF把以时间为自变量的函数通过傅立叶变换为以空间频率为变量的函数D.MTF是国际上通用的X线影像质量评价方法E.MTF能够客观评价信息传递时信息失真的情况

MPEG-1 Audio的质量相当于(38)质量。A.激光唱盘(CD-Audio)的声音B.调幅(Amplitude Modulation,AM)广播的声音C.调频(Frequency Modulation,FM)广播的声音D.近似激光唱盘(Near-CD-Audio)的声音

在通信专业中,MAC 的英文全称是(),调制的英文通常翻译为()。A、Media access control B、media access concect C、medtiple access control D、multiple access connect A、adjust B、medies C、modulation D、modulator

目前被广泛采用的ADSL调制技术有3种:QAM(quadature ampli-tude modulation)、CAP(carrierless amplitude-phase modulation)、DMT(discrete multitone),其中()调制技术被ANSI标准化小组T1E1.4制订的国家标准所采用。 A.QAMB.CAPC.DMTD.以上三种

“Sum in Depth of Modulation”的含义是()。A、频差B、调制度和C、调制度差D、频偏

当管制员反映接收信号清晰但声音小时,可以通过设置收信机前面板()来改善.A、Line LevelB、PowerC、High VSWRD、Low modulation depth

Pulse Code Modulation(PCM)的中文译为(),是一种基于时分复用的数字编码多路复用技术。A、脉冲编码调制B、幅度编码调制C、相位键控调制D、频率键控调制


Which two statements are true about analog to digital conversion of voice signals for use in digital telephony networks?()A、The three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,encoding,and compression.B、The three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and compression.C、The three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and encoding.D、The output of the sampling process is a pulse code modulation (PCM) signal.E、The output of the sampling process is a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signal.

PWM调制方法(1)()调制(2)()调制(3)()调制(4)( )调制。


PCM(pulse code modulation),脉冲编码调制是实现()的最基本最常用的一种方法

Which of the following will not increase system capacity? ()A、Increasing the number of available frequencies.B、Changing the modulation scheme.C、Implementing half rate vocodersD、Going from a 4/12 to a 3/9 reuse pattern.E、Splitting cells

OFDM的英文全称是()A、Orthogonal Frequency Division MultiplexingB、Outstanding Frequency Division MultiplexingC、Overwhelming Frequency Division MultiplexingD、Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation

Pulse Code Modulation(PCM)是一种基于时分复用的数字编码多路复用技术,它的中文名字为()。A、脉冲编码调制B、幅度编码调制C、相位键控调制D、频率键控调制

哪种情况不会引起T6TBIT告警错误()。A、Synthesizer out of lockB、No DC supply connectedC、High VSWRD、Low modulation depth

单选题OAP IF ANY TO BE CHTRS ACCT BUT OWNERS CONTRIBUTION USD 0.3/MT. What does OAP stand for?()AOld Age PensionBOverage Additional PremiumCOrganization of Arab Petroleum countriesDOptimum amplitude and phase modulation

单选题目前被广泛采用的ADSL调制技术有3种:QAM(quadature ampli-tude modulation)、CAP(carrierless amplitude-phase modulation)、DMT(discrete multitone),其中()调制技术被ANSI标准化小组T1E1.4制订的国家标准所采用。AQAMBCAPCDMTD以上三种

多选题Which two statements are true about analog to digital conversion of voice signals for use in digital telephony networks?()AThe three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,encoding,and compression.BThe three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and compression.CThe three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and encoding.DThe output of the sampling process is a pulse code modulation (PCM) signal.EThe output of the sampling process is a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signal.

填空题PWM调制方法(1)()调制(2)()调制(3)()调制(4)( )调制。

