- A、500±5℃
- B、505±5℃
- C、520±5℃
- D、540±5℃
Company.comhasfourpSeriesserversintheirdatacenterandwantstodeploymultipleMicro-Partitions.Whichofthefollowingdatacenterserverscanbeusedforthispurpose?() A.p5-520runningVirtualI/OServerB.p690runningAIX5LV5.3C.p5-510runningAIX5LV5.2D.p5-520runningtwodedicatedprocessorpartitions
WhichofthefollowingshouldbedoneFIRSTwhensettingupanewp5-520tobemanagedbyanewHMCviaaprivatenetwork?() A.ChangepasswordsinASMIB.AddthemanagedsystemtotheHMCC.Connectthep5-520toapowersourceD.ConnecttheHMCandthep5-520server’sHMC1porttothesamenetwork
某商品流通企业某种商品前11个月的实际销售量如下表所示:l时间(月)l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12I实际销售量(台)450 460 490 480 500 520 535 540 560 580 605用算术平均数法预测第12个月的销售量为()台。A、510B、520C、540D、560
A customer needs three 2-way application servers and is evaluating the purchase of three p5-520s versus one partitioned 6-way p5-570. They like the benefits provided with dynamic processor sparing. What information should the pSeries technical specialist emphasize to the customer?()A、The p5-570 offers CoD processors.B、The p5-570 requires more rack space than the three p5-520s.C、Redundant power is standard on the p5-570 and is optional on the p5-520.D、Operating system charges will be less expensive with the p5-520 solution.
单选题A customer needs three 2-way application servers and is evaluating the purchase of three p5-520s versus one partitioned 6-way p5-570. They like the benefits provided with dynamic processor sparing. What information should the pSeries technical specialist emphasize to the customer?()AThe p5-570 offers CoD processors.BThe p5-570 requires more rack space than the three p5-520s.CRedundant power is standard on the p5-570 and is optional on the p5-520.DOperating system charges will be less expensive with the p5-520 solution.